MEET THE TEACHERS Year 3 (PM) Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Mrs Sweeney Mrs Usher Madame Baikie Mrs A Tizard Mrs White Mrs McGaw French PE Music RE
Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Year 3 Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Date: Event: 17th September 2019 Iron Age Day (dress up) 26th September 2019 Maths curriculum evening (5-7pm) 30th September 2019 Mental health evening (7-9pm) 9th October 2019 Book look 15th/24th October 2019 Parents evening 17th October 2019 Harvest assembly 28th November 2019 English curriculum evening (5-7pm) 2nd December 2019 Grandparent’s tea party (9.15-11am) 9th December 2019 Cathedral concert (7-9pm) 16th – 20th December 2019 Eisteddfod 20th December 2019 Last day of term
Year 3 Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner CRABTREE RULES
REWARDS Year 3 (AF) Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Post cards home Gold tickets House points Class marbles – reward time
CONSEQUENCES Year 3 Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Consequence will match the anti-social behaviour Reflection time with teacher at break time Missed privileges/responsibilities Speak with a member of SLT Meet with parent
UNIFORM Year 3 Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Our aim is for the children to take pride in their appearance as well as being comfortable. School uniform blue short sleeved polo shirt* Navy-blue sweatshirt/cardigan* Grey trousers (short or long)/skirt Black shoes (closed toe - not sandals) Trainers can be worn on Fridays Socks and tights should be a plain dark colour, e.g. navy, black or grey. * with school logo In the summer term girls may wear a blue and white gingham or striped dress.
Year 3 (PH) Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Year 3Topics
Year 3 Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Year 3 P.E Lessons: Wednesday: Outdoor Games – T shirt, fleece, dark skins, shorts/joggers, long navy socks, shin pads and football boots Thursday: Gymnastics – shorts and t- shirt Please ensure full kit in school on both days as sometimes changes have to be made. Children will no longer be able to disrupt other classes to borrow kit so please help them be organised.
Year 3 Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner After School Clubs: 3.15 –4.15pm) Ensure you have signed up with the school Wise Pay system No after school clubs until the spring term. Lunchtimes: Children sign up on the Sports Board. 12.00 – 12.25pm Tuesday – choir (12.20) Thursday – football (once field is ready, not until after half term at the earliest) Friday – cross-country
HOMEWORK Year 3 (PM) Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Date Set Subject Date Due Thursday English or maths Spelling Tuesday Every day Reading – 15 minutes every day would be great! Not checked formally anymore, but remains a very important part of their learning.
Parental Contributions Year 3 Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Parental Contributions Thank you for your support providing resources for pencil cases. Please check regularly that these are well stocked for your child. We will send home a note if something needs replenishing. On occasion we may ask if you could help by providing a class book. The governors and the SLT are putting together a letter regarding parental contributions and we would again appreciate your support.
OPEN DOOR POLICY (after school visits more convenient – 3.15 to 3.30) Year 3 Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner OPEN DOOR POLICY (after school visits more convenient – 3.15 to 3.30) Emails: To office please. Please allow 48 hrs for a response. If urgent, call the office or pop in. Twitter @CrabtreeJNR
Year 3 Mrs Mercer, Mrs Holt, Miss Falkiner Any questions?