Cryogenic upgrade of B163, B165 & B253 Status Meeting 19th December 2018
B165: Project Status Cryogenic Distribution System (CDS): The preliminary design is complete, detailed design and manufacture of the main components is underway. Cryogenic Distribution System (CDS): Contract placed with AS Scientific (UK); Delivery - mid March 2019; Design review for LHe CDS undertaken 5th December; LN2 CDS under production – Delivery February 2019.
B165: Project Status Electricity and Control: 20 m³ LHe Dewar: Delivered; Installation delayed to January 2019 due to civil works. B165-GMP: GMP added to CDS contract; Delivery - mid March 2019. Electricity and Control: No delays; Delivery - B165 Shut Down. GMP for GHe buffers: Design completed; Under construction.
B165: Project Status Civil Works: Relocation of GHe Buffers and LN2 Dewar: New concrete slab (Slab 1) is completed and LN2 Dewar moved to new position. Support structure for LHe Dewar to enable Gravity filling: Installation delayed to Jan 2019; Hole in wall of B165 for CDS planned for this week. Operation to advise: 1/ Do they need to use the LHe atmospheric heater? 2/ Do they need to retain a connection to the compressor LP?
B165: Project Status - Planning Shut down of Central Liquefier (B165): Start Date – Monday 1st April 2019; Duration – 10 Weeks, ending 7th June 2019. CDS Delivery, 22 March 2019 Shut Down Operation to advise: 1/ Do they need to use the LHe atmospheric heater? 2/ Do they need to retain a connection to the compressor LP?
B253: Project Status Jumbo Cylinders: Civil Works: Contract placed with EKC (DE/IN) Delivery delayed to May 2019: Derogation required to extend use of Batteries at reduced pressure; Problems with the manufacture of seamless tubes. Civil Works: Work is ongoing to complete the slab. Completion delayed to January 2019. Operation to advise: 1/ Do they need to use the LHe atmospheric heater? 2/ Do they need to retain a connection to the compressor LP?
B163: Project Status Design of the B163 system is ongoing: Final PID: Sizing of valves and piping complete – EDMS 2032387 Instrumentation List: Underway, completion planned for early Jan 2019 Interfaces: Integration: CDS – complete Warm infrastructure – 30% complete – Delivery early 2019 (CRG) Cryogenic Infrastructure Defined FRESCA Defined (as current) Small Cryostats FRESCA2 Main Line Defined (Interface drawing MEYQLIH_0003) N2 Exit Lines To be defined by MSC by end 2018 Operation to advise: 1/ Do they need to use the LHe atmospheric heater? 2/ Do they need to retain a connection to the compressor LP?
Manufactured and delivered to CERN B163: Project Status Milestones: Integration: Summary: Design of warm infra and WPU delayed by 1 month. No impact on overall planning; IT-4490 complete – Contract awarded to AS Scientific (UK); DO-31852 for cryogenic valves closes 21st December 2018. Component Design Tendering Delivery CDS Complete September 2019 Warm Infrastructure January 2018 February 2019 May 2019 WPU WPU Heater Manufactured and delivered to CERN 15 kW Heater Control and Electricity April 2019 N/A B163 Shut Down Operation to advise: 1/ Do they need to use the LHe atmospheric heater? 2/ Do they need to retain a connection to the compressor LP?
Coldbox and FRESCA Shut Down B163: Project Status - Planning It is proposed the shut down of B163 will have two phases: Coldbox and FRESCA – 17 weeks from 5th August, ending 29th November 2019. LHe supply to small cryostats will be maintained using local dewar. All B163 – 5 weeks from 21st October, ending 22 November 2019. Intention is to begin operation of small cryostats and FRESCA independent of commissioning of FRESCA 2. MSC test plan not confirmed. CDS Delivery , 16th September 2019 Complete Shut Down Operation to advise: 1/ Do they need to use the LHe atmospheric heater? 2/ Do they need to retain a connection to the compressor LP? Coldbox and FRESCA Shut Down