Mrs Appleton Living and learning, inspired by our faith. Welcome to year One ! Mrs Appleton Living and learning, inspired by our faith.
Year 1 Timetable- Autumn Term 8.45-9.00 9:00 9:20 – 10.30 Break 10.45 – 12:00 Lunch Break 1:00 - 2:15 2.30 - 3.25 Staff Briefing Monday Handwriting Maths Input Focus Groups &Choosing Spelling Phonics SPAG Input Focus Groups & Choosing R.E. Science INSET Tuesday Collective worship P.E. 2nd half term: Literacy Input Focus Groups & Choosing Literacy Input Focus Groups & Choosing 2nd half term: P.E. Art 2nd half term: RE Wednesday Class Assembly Music Literacy Phonics/ Spelling Test Thursday Hymns Geography Focus Groups & Choosing R.E. 2nd half term: Computer/Library Time Friday Pobble(Literacy) Independent Work & Choosing Golden Time &Finishing Off Time Awards assembly 2.45pm
P.E Our PE lessons are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children wear school uniform into school on these days and change into their PE kit for the lesson. Please practise independence of tying shoe laces, doing and undoing both buttons and ties at home. Please clearly label all items of clothing. Please ensure that earrings are removed before school to ensure that children are safe during PE lessons.
Assessment All assessments of your child will be reported to you each term at Parents’ Evening and in the end of year report. We will have a spelling test every Wednesday and a mental arithmetic test every Tuesday. Scores will be recorded in their homework diaries.
Topics The first topic this year is ‘What a Wonderful World.’ We will begin by looking at Chiswick, then London, then the UK and finally the World. The rest of the topics will be finalised as soon as possible and we will keep you updated.
Behaviour We follow the same traffic light procedure throughout the school to promote positive behaviour amongst children. Green – non-verbal warning Amber – verbal warning and miss 5 minutes of play Red – name in the pink folder, miss 10 minutes of play and parent will be informed.
Homework: 1 – 1.5 hours per week All homework will be published on the school website and handed out on a Thursday. English – due back Monday Mental maths test on Tuesday Maths – due back Wednesday Spelling test on Wednesday Please encourage your child to complete homework independently, supporting them when they need it. All maths working out in homework books. Please do not rub out errors.
Reading Books will be changed weekly, the day your child changes their book is on the front of their diary. Please sign the homework diary everyday, leaving a comment about your child’s reading. Please check that your child is not only able to read the text, but also able to comprehend and answer questions about the text. Children will be encouraged to read one fiction and one non-fiction text each week. If there is a topic your child is particularly interested in but may be too complex for them to read, read information to them and then discuss the topic with them.
Assembly Dates to remember October 9th Parents’ Evening November 20th A date for the Autumn term trip will be released shortly.
meetings If you wish to meet with me, please e-mail or see me after school and we will make a mutually convenient appointment. If you have any questions, please wait until all children have been dismissed safely at the end of the day.
Thank you for coming!