Project Update 7 Shiyu Wang (Boston University) CERN, Project Update 7
MALTA Telescope Scripts Updated This script can let us change every setup for the IV measurements without do them manually in the lab (Now compatible for both MALTA and Monopix sensor) From last time the script I wrote can let us change every setup as parameters in the program without change everything manually in the lab, this will going to proved very useful for our incoming irradiated experiments later. Now if I want to do a IV scan for the MALTA sensor, what I need to do is enter 7 values. –s, -p and –d are voltages for max-sub, pwell and delta (sub – pwell), -ss, -ps, -ds are the steps for max sub, pwell and delta, which are number of datapoints we take during the experiments. n is the number of measurements we take for one single step (one single datapoint) However with every plot I can only show one sample with a single pwell voltage and one max sub voltage, which are very hard for us to observe the breakdown voltage effect (to observe this effect one need to see a intersection between IV curves for different pwell values. However with every plot I can only show one sample (chip wafer) with a single pwell voltage and one max-sub voltage, which are very hard for us to observe the breakdown voltage. 11/18/201911/18/2019 MALTA Telescope
Analysis Scripts for merge IV Plots: Therefore, I had to wrote another data analysis scripts for us to combine all the single plots I made for one sample. The reason for this will going to be proved useful in our irradiated experiments. (MALTA example, not Telescope) Another data analysis scripts for us to combine all the single plots I made for one sample. The reason for this will proved to be useful in future irradiated experiments. 11/18/201911/18/2019 MALTA Telescope
Telescope IV Scans Example: MALTA sensor unirradiated W1R10: at pwell 0V, scan SUB from -2 to 4 V with 40 steps (1) at pwell -2V, scan SUB from -2 to 4 V with 60 steps (2) at pwell -3V, scan SUB from -4 to 10 V with 10 steps (3) Combined histogram from all observable plots (4) (1) And these are some simple IV scans for the MALTA Telescope systems using the scripts I wrote. As you can see I only have the plots for MALTA sensor. (2) (3) 11/18/2019 (4)
Irradiated test for MALTA with Fe-55 So far all the IV scans I performed are for unirradiated samples (chips), Which are not the case for the actual situation (chips within the ATLAS ITK) We simulate this environment with some radioactive source (Fe-55 isotope) The required radiation tolerance are 60 Mrad TID or 10^15 NIEL, use Fe-55 to radiate this much radiation on MALTA then do the IV scan again based on the results for unirradiated scans, see if anything changes Now, So far all IV scans I performed are for unirradiated samples (chips), Which are not the case for the actual environment (within the ATLAS ITK). We now need to simulate the actual situation with the help of some irradiated materials (I will only discuss one example for today, that is the Fe-55 isotope). As I showed to you earlier, the required radiation tolerance for ATLAS phase 2 upgrades are 60 Mrad TID, now we are going to use Fe-55 to radiate this much radiation on MALTA then do the same scan again, then let’s see what’s changes. 11/18/201911/18/2019 MALTA Telescope
Telescope IV Irradiated Example: Irradiated W1R1, W1R3: at pwell 0V, scan SUB from 0 to -10 V with 40 steps at pwell -1V, scan SUB from 0 to -10 V with 40 steps at pwell -2V, scan SUB from 0 to -10V with 40 steps 11/18/201911/18/2019 MALTA Telescope
Future Plans Finish analysis IV scans for unirradiated samples from W1 to W6 then integrate all the results into the broader documents for the chip Irradiated Test for increased pwell samples on Telescope (-6V) starts today afternoon Continue add IV scans analysis for irradiated samples after the test has completed 11/18/201911/18/2019 MALTA Telescope