Bellfield The Ingram Family and other Residents
1854 John Ingram arrives in Australia and buys 30 acres of Mulgrave Section 100. Bellfield created. 1858 John Ingram is known for his well established garden of vines & vegetables.
1854 John Ingram arrives in Australia and buys 30 acres of Mulgrave Section 100. Bellfield created. 1858 John Ingram is known for his well established garden of vines & vegetables. 1860 Oakleigh & Mulgrave Road District formed - Board consists of 7 men inc. John Ingram. 1876 John's son William marries and takes over Bellfield; John and wife in 3-room cottage on property.
1854 John Ingram arrives in Australia and buys 30 acres of Mulgrave Section 100. Bellfield created 1858 John Ingram is known for his well established garden of vines & vegetables. 1860 Oakleigh & Mulgrave Road District formed - Board consists of 7 men inc. John Ingram. 1876 John's son William marries and takes over Bellfield; John and wife in 3-room cottage on property. 1898 Ingram property is 63 acres - mainly orchard. William is a Mulgrave & school councillor, JP, 1900 William Ingram is Shire Pres. and interested in changing the name of "Black Flat“.
1854 John Ingram arrives in Australia and buys 30 acres of Mulgrave Section 100. Bellfield created. 1858 John Ingram is well known for his well established garden of vines & vegetables. 1860 Oakleigh & Mulgrave Road District formed - Board consists of 7 men inc. John Ingram 1876 John's son William marries and takes over Bellfield; John and wife in 3-room cottage on property. 1898 Ingram property is 63 acres - mainly orchard. William is a Mulgrave & school councillor, JP, 1900 William Ingram is Shire Pres. and interested in changing the name of "Black Flat" 1911 William Ingram dies Oct, aged 66 years, buried Oakleigh; leaves Bellfield to wife Jane Ferguson 1913 Carl Winter buys Bellfield. Renames it Ave Viator.
1854 John Ingram arrives in Australia and buys 30 acres of Mulgrave Section 100. Bellfield created. 1858 John Ingram is well known for his well established garden of vines & vegetables. 1860 Oakleigh & Mulgrave Road District formed - Board consists of 7 men inc. John Ingram 1876 John's son William marries and takes over Bellfield; John and wife in 3-room cottage on property. 1898 Ingram property is 63 acres - mainly orchard. William is a Mulgrave & school councillor, JP, 1900 William Ingram is Shire Pres. and interested in changing the name of "Black Flat" 1911 William Ingram dies Oct, aged 66 years, buried Oakleigh; leaves Bellfield to wife Jane Ferguson. 1913 Carl Winter buys Bellfield. Renames it Ave Viator. 1918 Michael Lawless buys property - 80 acres of orchard 1926? Michael Lawless adds a new brick frontage and effectively turns house to face west. 1937 Michael Lawless dies. Farm run by renters or owners - Kuebler, Paxton, Launder, others? 1951 Glenvale estate created and on the market. 1959 Towers View estate created and on the market. .
1854 John Ingram arrives in Australia and buys 30 acres of Mulgrave Section 100. Bellfield created. 1858 John Ingram is well known for his well established garden of vines & vegetables. 1860 Oakleigh & Mulgrave Road District formed - Board consists of 7 men inc. John Ingram 1876 John's son William marries and takes over Bellfield; John and wife in 3-room cottage on property. 1898 Ingram property is 63 acres - mainly orchard. William is a Mulgrave & school councillor, JP, 1900 William Ingram is Shire Pres. and interested in changing the name of "Black Flat" 1911 William Ingram dies Oct, aged 66 years, buried Oakleigh; leaves Bellfield to wife Jane Ferguson. 1913 Carl Winter buys Bellfield. Renames it Ave Viator. 1918 Michael Lawless buys property - 80 acres of orchard 1926? Michael Lawless adds a new brick frontage and effectively turns house to face west. 1937 Michael Lawless dies. Farm run by renters or owners - Kuebler, Paxton, Launder, others? 1951 Glenvale estate created and on the market. 1959 Towers View estate created and on the market. 1980 Bellfield established as a Mount Street Neighbourhood House.
Bellfield about 1985