Delving Deeper into the Common core state standards for english-language arts Janice Mesolello Reading Specialist, Johnston Jayne Berghorn Reading Specialist,


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Presentation transcript:

delving Deeper into the Common core state standards for english-language arts Janice Mesolello Reading Specialist, Johnston Jayne Berghorn Reading Specialist, Johnston Time 10 seconds 2013 Gr. K -- 1

Introductions Introduce yourself. At your table, write one expectation that you have for this session on a sticky note. Save for discussion later. Time– 5 minutes Directions will change according to participants. 2

4 Corners Activity Questioners Observers Participants Practitioners Select a corner of the room that best reflects your knowledge of and experience with the Common Core State Standards. Questioners Observers What are you still wondering What have you recently heard or about the CCSS? read about the CCSS? Participants Practitioners What CCSS out of district PD How are you currently have you attended? using the CCSS? Small Group Discussion: With regard to your knowledge of the CCSS, what are the distinguishing characteristics of your corner? List these characteristics on the chart paper there. Choose someone to share out. Time– 20 minutes Need chart paper (labeled with “Questioners”, “Observer”, “Participants”, and “Practitioners”) and a marker at each corner. Participants have a conversation and come up with characteristics that describe themselves. Write characteristics on the chart. After participants have recorded thoughts, have one participant stay at the poster to report out. Depending on time, you can address concerns or just acknowledge them and move on. 3

Session Objectives Teachers will: increase their understanding of the purpose and key design features of the CCSS in ELA increase their understanding of the shifts of instructional focus within their grade level Recognize the progression of the CCSS from grade to grade begin to apply the shifts of the instructional implications of the CCSS in ELA

What are the Major Shifts to Transition to the CCSS? Increase in Informational Text Text Dependent Questioning using Evidence Text Complexity and Academic Vocabulary Instruction Time – 10 minutes

Processing the Shifts ELA/ Literacy Shifts What are the classroom implications? What are some opportunities to apply this shift? What are the challenges in application? 1. Building knowledge through informational text 2. Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language Time--5 minutes At each table, discuss and record responses

Let’s Take a Closer Look Examine the Foundational Skills Standards Each table will examine one topic p. 16. Read vertically within the topic to examine the scope of each grade level, K-2. Select a Standard Statement. Read horizontally to see the progression across grade levels, K-2. What do you see that is familiar? What’s new? What are the implications for your instruction? Complete the Analysis worksheet. Time—30 minutes Working in Table Groups, choose a strand and follow the directions on the slide. Think holistically/globally about what you read and then fill out graphic organizer handout. Be prepared to report out: What surprised you? What excited you? 7

Standards Analysis Topic: Familiar New Implications for Your Instruction Concerns Standard #

Let’s Take a Closer Look Examine the Reading Standards for Informational Text Each table will examine one topic p.13. Read vertically to examine the scope within the topic of each grade level, K-2. Select a Standard Statement. Read horizontally to see the progression across grade levels, K-2. What do you see that is familiar? What’s new? What are the implications for your instruction? Complete an Analysis Worksheet. Time—30 minutes Working in Table Groups, choose a strand and follow the directions on the slide. Think holistically/globally about what you read and then fill out graphic organizer handout. Be prepared to report out: What surprised you? What excited you? 9

Standards Analysis Topic: Familiar New Implications for Instruction Concerns Standard #

Intentional Design Limitations What CCSS do NOT define: How teachers should teach All that can or should be taught Nature of advanced work beyond core Interventions needed for students well below grade level Full range of support for English language learners and students with special needs – Common Core Presentation 2010 The CCSS are the “what.” Educators have many choices in deciding the “how” ( how to make the “what” accessible, acceptable, and exciting to ALL students.) 11

What materials work with the CCSS? Literature and Information Text Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range of Reading Foundational Skills (K-5) Print Concepts (K-1) Phonological Awareness (K-1) Phonics and Word Recognition (K-5) Fluency (K-5) There are 3 sub-stands – Reading for Literature, Reading for Informational Text, and Reading Foundational Skills (in K-5 only) in the Reading Strand. The RL and RI strands share the same Topics. In the CCSS, textual evidence is key! The focus for students is to be able to closely read literary and informational text and then to reread for evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text. *Range of Reading – which encompasses Standard 10 – ensures that students are exposed to grade level text complexity regardless of their reading ability. It also ensures that we expose students to a wide range of text types – variety of genres – including informational text. The Reading Foundational Skills for K-5 are to be explicitly and systematically taught. Phonics and Word Recognition extend to include morphological analysis. 12

Text Complexity: Qualitative Measures Rubric LITERARY TEXTS Text Title___________________________________________ Text Author_____________________________________   Exceedingly Complex Very Complex Moderately Complex Slightly Complex MEANING Meaning: Several levels and competing elements of meaning that are difficult to identify, separate, and interpret; theme is implicit or subtle, often ambiguous and revealed over the entirety of the text Meaning: Several levels of meaning that may be difficult to identify or separate; theme is implicit or subtle and may be revealed over the entirety of the text Meaning: More than one level of meaning with levels clearly distinguished from each other; theme is clear but may be conveyed with some subtlety Meaning: One level of meaning; theme is obvious and revealed early in the text. TEXT STRUCTURE Organization: Organization is intricate with regard to elements such as narrative viewpoint, time shifts, multiple characters, storylines and detail Use of Graphics: If used, minimal illustrations that support the text Organization: Organization may include subplots, time shifts and more complex characters Use of Graphics: If used, a few illustrations that support the text Organization: Organization may have two or more storylines and occasionally difficult to predict Use of Graphics: If used, a range of illustrations that support selected parts of the text Organization: Organization of text is clear, chronological or easy to predict Use of Graphics: If used, extensive illustrations that directly support and assist in interpreting the written text LANGUAGE FEATURES Conventionality: Dense and complex; contains abstract, ironic, and/or figurative language Vocabulary: Generally unfamiliar, archaic, subject-specific, or overly academic language; may be ambiguous or purposefully misleading Sentence Structure: Mainly complex sentences often containing multiple concepts Conventionality: Complex; contains some abstract, ironic, and/or figurative language Vocabulary: Somewhat complex language that is sometimes unfamiliar, archaic, subject-specific, or overly academic Sentence Structure: Many complex sentences with several subordinate phrases or clauses and transition words Conventionality: Largely explicit and easy to understand with some occasions for more complex meaning Vocabulary: Mostly contemporary, familiar, conversational; rarely unfamiliar or overly academic Sentence Structure: Simple and compound sentences, with some more complex constructions Conventionality: Explicit, literal, straightforward, easy to understand Vocabulary: Contemporary, familiar, conversational language Sentence Structure: Mainly simple sentences KNOWLEDGE DEMANDS Life Experiences: Explores complex, sophisticated themes; experiences are distinctly different from the common reader Intertextuality and Cultural Knowledge: Many references or allusions to other texts or cultural elements Life Experiences: Explores themes of varying levels of complexity; experiences portrayed are uncommon to most readers Intertextuality and Cultural Knowledge: Some references or allusions to other texts or cultural elements Life Experiences: Explores a single theme; experiences portrayed are common to many readers Intertextuality and Cultural Knowledge: A few references or allusions to other texts or cultural elements Life Experiences: Explores a single theme; experiences portrayed are everyday and common to most readers Intertextuality and Cultural Knowledge: No references or allusions to other texts or cultural elements Intro information about text complexity in general Review each category as a general area A copy of page 13 and 14 are needed for each participant for next activity.

Text Complexity: Qualitative Measures Rubric INFORMATIONAL TEXTS Text Title___________________________________________ Text Author_____________________________________   Exceedingly Complex Very Complex Moderately Complex Slightly Complex PURPOSE Purpose: Subtle, implied, difficult to determine; intricate, theoretical elements Purpose: Implied, but fairly easy to infer; more theoretical than concrete Purpose: Implied, but easy to identify based upon context or source Purpose: Explicitly stated; clear, concrete with a narrow focus TEXT STRUCTURE Organization of Main Ideas: Connections between an extensive range of ideas or events are deep, intricate and often implicit or subtle; organization of the text is intricate or specialized for a particular discipline Text Features: If used, are essential in understanding content Use of Graphics: If used, extensive, intricate, essential integrated graphics, tables, charts, etc., necessary to make meaning of text; also may provide information not otherwise conveyed in the text Organization of Main Ideas: Connections between an expanded range ideas, processes or events are deeper and often implicit or subtle; organization may contain multiple pathways and may exhibit traits common to a specific discipline Text Features: If used, greatly enhance the reader’s understanding of content Use of Graphics: If used, essential integrated graphics, tables, charts, etc.; may occasionally be essential to understanding the text Organization of Main Ideas: Connections between some ideas or events are implicit or subtle; organization is evident and generally sequential Text Features: If used, enhance the reader’s understanding of content Use of Graphics: If used, graphics mostly supplementary to understanding of the text, such as indexes, glossaries; graphs, pictures, tables, and charts directly support the text Organization of Main Ideas: Connections between ideas, processes or events are explicit and clear; organization of text is clear or chronological or easy to predict Text Features: If used, help the reader navigate and understand content but are not essential Use of Graphics: If used, simple graphics, unnecessary to understanding the text but directly support and assist in interpreting the written text LANGUAGE FEATURES Conventionality: Dense and complex; contains abstract, ironic, and/or figurative language Vocabulary: Generally unfamiliar, archaic, subject-specific, or overly academic language; may be ambiguous or purposefully misleading Sentence Structure: Mainly complex sentences often containing multiple concepts Conventionality: Complex; contains some abstract, ironic, and/or figurative language Vocabulary: Somewhat complex language that is sometimes unfamiliar, archaic, subject-specific, or overly academic Sentence Structure: Many complex sentences with several subordinate phrases or clauses and transition words Conventionality: Largely explicit and easy to understand with some occasions for more complex meaning Vocabulary: Mostly contemporary, familiar, conversational; rarely unfamiliar or overly academic Sentence Structure: Simple and compound sentences, with some more complex constructions Conventionality: Explicit, literal, straightforward, easy to understand Vocabulary: Contemporary, familiar, conversational language Sentence Structure: Mainly simple sentences KNOWLEDGE DEMANDS Subject Matter Knowledge: Extensive, perhaps specialized or even theoretical discipline-specific content knowledge; range of challenging abstract and theoretical concepts Intertextuality: Many references or allusions to other texts or outside ideas, theories, etc. Subject Matter Knowledge: Moderate levels of discipline-specific content knowledge; some theoretical knowledge may enhance understanding; range of recognizable ideas and challenging abstract concepts Intertextuality: Some references or allusions to other texts or outside ideas, theories, etc. Subject Matter Knowledge: Everyday practical knowledge and some discipline-specific content knowledge; both simple and more complicated, abstract ideas Intertextuality: A few references or allusions to other texts or outside ideas, theories, etc. Subject Matter Knowledge: Everyday, practical knowledge; simple, concrete ideas Intertextuality: No references or allusions to other texts, or outside ideas, theories, etc.

Qualitative Dimensions of Text Complexity Chart K – 1st Grade Band  Name of Text: ___________ Type of Text (Narrative/Poetry/Hybrid/Informational, etc.): ____________ Category Notes and comments on text, support for placement in this band   Where to place within the band? Beginning of K End of K Beginning of 1 End of 1 NOT suited to band Structure (both story structure or form of piece) Language Clarity and Conventions (including vocabulary load) Knowledge Demands (life, content, cultural/literary) Levels of Meaning/ Purpose Overall placement: Justification: Using material you have brought, review and rate it according to the rubric

Web Sources for CCSS for ELA (tools for teachers) (examples of informational text and text dependent questions) (video) (articles like "A Primer on Close Reading of Text“) (articles like "The Challenge of Challenging Text“ and EduCore) 16

Thank You! Any questions or concerns, contact: Janice Mesolello Jayne Berghorn