Introductory session for End Users of CIRCA version 3.1 Introduction In the frame of the 10th GLC Meeting the GLC support team would like to introduce you to the CIRCA service. CIRCA is an Internet tool giving the possibility to share information between the participants of a virtual working group. A CIRCA working group is called Interest Group and it is accessible on the net by its Members. Members are assigned with a specific user profile which is called “Class”. This presentation is based on the “Local Coordinators” Class which is the Class assigned to the Local Coordinators. To access an Interest Group Members must visit the Interest Group Home Page and login with their username and password. The CIRCA Interest Group for the Local Coordinators is called: Local Coordinator Project and it is accessible via the following Internet page: In the pages that follow you will be introduced to the main CIRCA services of your Interest Group: Library: Documents repository Directory: List of Members Newsgroups: Internet Forum Information: Information pages For more information please get in contact with the GLC Support Team or with Mr. Luc Drappier at the following e-mail address: Presented by: Vassili Danilof European Dynamics S.A GLC 10th Meeting Luxembourg 03-05 February 2003
Starting with CIRCA CIRCA definition CIRCA is a private space in Internet for sharing information between members of a given virtual working group. How to access Visit the Local Coordinator Project Home Page: and use your username and password to enter the site Username and password are distributed by the GLC Support Team GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003
The documents repository CIRCA Library The documents repository Local Coordinators’ Meetings: Full documentation of the GLC Meetings Projects: Documentation about all projects related to the data transmission (e.g.: TESTA, STATEL, GENEDI, GESMES etc.) Role of the Local Coordinator: Introductory documentation to the role of the Local Coordinator. GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003
View or download one or more documents CIRCA Library View or download one or more documents Login to the “Local Coordinator Project” Interest Group Click the Library icon Click the folders’ title to see the content Click the title or the format icon of a document to view it or save it on your disk. GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003
CIRCA Notifications Subscribe to be updated with new docs In the Library folder of your interest click the flag icon Select an option between “download” to receive all new documents in attachment by e-mail or “subscribe” to receive an alert message when a new document is uploaded. Click on “Save” GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003
GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003 CIRCA Directory Search for Members Login to the Local Coordinator Project Interest Group Click the Directory icon Click the Search button to produce the list of all current Members of your Interest Group with the possibility to view their details and send them an e-mail. GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003
GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003 CIRCA Newsgroups View a newsgroup Login to the Local Coordinator Project Interest Group Click the Newsgroup icon Click the title of newsgroup of your interest and the title of a given contribution GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003
GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003 CIRCA Information Be informed Login to the Local Coordinator Project Interest Group Click the Information icon Find useful addresses for the support of data transmission tools GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003
CIRCA Personal Information Keep your account updated Login through the following page: Click “Personal Information” Click “Save” to save the changes GLC 10th, Luxembourg, 03-05 February 2003