Uninsured young adults ages 19–29 Federal Poverty Level Percent


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Presentation transcript:

Distribution of 13.7 Million Uninsured Young Adults by Federal Poverty Level Uninsured young adults ages 19–29 Federal Poverty Level Percent Number Uninsured Premium Subsidy Cap as a Share of Income Cost-Sharing Cap <133% FPL 52% 7,139,948 Medicaid 133%–149% FPL 7% 908,520 3.0%–4.0% 6% 150%–199% FPL 13% 1,726,171 4.0%–6.3% 200%–249% FPL 9% 1,270,858 6.3%–8.05% 27% 250%–299% FPL 5% 740,081 8.05%–9.5% 30% 300%–399% FPL 912,303 9.5% >400% FPL 973,338 n/a Source: Analysis of the March 2009 Current Population Survey by N. Tilipman and B. Sampat of Columbia University for The Commonwealth Fund; Commonwealth Fund analysis of Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148 and 111-152), Premium estimates are from Kaiser Family Foundation Health Reform Subsidy Calculator–Premium Assistance for Coverage in Exchanges/Gateways, http://healthreform.kff.org/Subsidycalculator.aspx. 1