Prologue, Chapters 1-4
balmy The air-conditioned hospital corridor gave way to the balmy heat of the Caribbean island on which he stood. Definition: (of the weather) pleasantly warm
tangent It surprised everyone when our history teacher went off on a tangent about physics. Definition: a line of thought that is off topic
The film’s tragic ending put us all in a melancholy mood. Definition: a feeling of deep sadness
Definition: In a way that expresses regret rueful The man was rueful when he realized how much his actions negatively affected his best friend. Definition: In a way that expresses regret
exasperated The man was exasperated by the constant questioning of his actions because it would prevent him from working. Definition: intensely irritated and frustrated:
self-deprecation The girl’s self- deprecation showed everyone that her confidence was very low. Definition:modesty about or criticism of oneself:
retorted As the child said that he refused to complete his homework, his mother retorted that it was not his choice and it must be done. Definition: say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner.
hysterical The band was mobbed by hysterical fans. Defiition: deriving from or affected by uncontrolled extreme emotion:
hub The city has always been the financial hub of the country because all the trade was conducted there. Definition 1: the central part of a wheel, rotating on or with the axle, and from which the spokes radiate. Definition: 2. the effective center of an activity, region, or network
remnants There were remnants of the great Pompeii that were perfectly preserved by the ashes of the volcano. Definition: a small remaining quantity of something.
reluctant She was reluctant to discuss the matter because she was unsure of how everyone would react. Definition: unwilling and hesitant; disinclined
contemplation After much contemplation, Carlos decided that he would pursue a career in music. Definition 1: deep reflective thought:
intrusion After his sister entered the room, the boy became furious at this intrusion and began screaming. Definition: the action of intruding (put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited)
jaunty There was no mistaking that jaunty walk when he came out of the successful interview. Definition: having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner
The forlorn garden was clearly overgrown and unkempt. Definition: pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely
Prologue Comprehension Check How often does Mae Tuck meet Miles and Jesse? Who owns the Treegap wood? Why do you think the author discusses a Ferris wheel? What does the Ferris wheel symbolize? What three important events occur that appear unconnected?
Chapter 1 Comprehension Check How does the wood change at the end of the Fosters’ property? What is at the center of the wood? Why were pebbles there to conceal it? Why do you think it would have been an “immense disaster” if someone were to have found what was hidden? Describe the Treegap woods. How do you think you would feel if you visited the Treegap woods—frightened, calm, nervous, or something else? Explain your answer. Explain what the author means when she states, “Nothing ever seems interesting when it belongs to you—only when it doesn’t.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
Chapter 2 Comprehension Check What does Mr. Tuck dream about? When was the last time that Mae went into Treegap? What does Mae Tuck always have with her? Why? Why is Mae not interested in seeing her reflection?
Chapter 3 Comprehension Check What animal is Winnie talking to by the fence? What kind of mood is Winnie in when she is by the fence? Why does she throw pebbles at the gnats? Why does Winnie want to be alone? What is Winnie thinking about doing with her life? What does Winnie plan to do in the morning? Why?
Chapter 4 Comprehension Check Who talks to Winnie at the fence? How long has Winnie’s family lived in Treegap? What do Winnie, her grandmother, and the man in the yellow suit hear? Who does Winnie’s grandmother believe is responsible for what they hear?