MEMBER BUSINESS MEETING 2018 Ophthalmic Anesthesia Society MEMBER BUSINESS MEETING September 30, 2018 Presented during the 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting
Treasurer’s Report CURRENT ASSETS Checking……………………………………………. $109,296.52 Accounts Receivable …………………………..…. $6,500 Prepaid Expenses…………………………………..$84.00 Total Assets……………………………….…………$115,880.52 NET ASSETS Unrestricted Net Assets…….………………………$76,297.87 Current Increase in Net Assets YTD…………...... $39,582.65 Total Net Assets……………………………………..$115,880.52
Thank you for your invaluable contributions! Outgoing Board Members Lisa McKay, CRNA Kansas City, MO Eric Fry, MD Garden City, Kansas Thank you for your invaluable contributions!
ELECTIONS SLATE Automatic Rotations Howard Palte – President (Anesthesiologist) Tina Tran – Immediate Past-President (Anesthesiologist) Expiring Positions Lisa McKay – Secretary (CRNA) Eric Fry – Past-President (Ophthalmologist) Continuing Positions Chris Bender – Treasurer (2016-2019) David Markoff – Director, Ophthalmologist (2016-2019) Richard Rivers – Director, Anesthesiologist (2017-2020) David Larsen – Director, Anesthesiologist (2017-2020) Zhuang Fang – Director, Anesthesiologist (2017-2020) David Stange – Director, CRNA (2017-2020) **Note that the composition of the 2020 Scientific Meeting Program Committee will be the President, President-Elect and a CRNA representative (per OAS bylaws)
ELECTIONS SLATE Election Slate (Ballot will be emailed to OAS membership!) President-elect – Zhuang Fang, MD, MSPH Secretary – Robert Langston, CRNA Director, Ophthalmologist – Jefferson Doyle, MBBCh, MHS, PhD Director, Anesthesia – George Dumas, MD Director, At Large – Sue Wolf, PA
2019 VISION AND GOALS Membership Increase membership and encourage renewals Appeal to broader audience Theme for 2019 Annual Meeting? Early-bird discounts?
Is there any new business at this time?
Q&A Adjournment to follow