“Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination.” Mrs. Hillberg-4th Grade Welcome Back!! August 14th “Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower Welcome to 4th Grade Get In Touch: Diala.hillberg@norris.k12.ca.us Olive Drive Office: 661.387.7040 Sign up for Class Dojo! I hope you had a wonderful summer break and are ready to get started on some very exciting things in 4th grade. I am so excited to have you in my class this year! We are going to learn, grow, and have so much fun together. I cannot wait to meet YOU!!! A little about me: I was born in Jordan and I moved to Bakersfield when I was 9 years old. I went to college at CSUB, and I recently obtained my masters in education. I had a wonderful time this summer traveling & spending time with family. I am SO EXCITED to meet YOU and get to know you better! Mrs. Hillberg’s Favorites: Drinks: Starbucks, Tea, coffee, Dr. Pepper Sweets: Chocolate, Reeses, Rolos Food: In N Out, Olive Garden, Fit Pantry, Pieology Others: Crafts, Hobby Lobby, Target, Amazon