NAFAO and the Ombudsman Rob Draper, Assessment Team Leader, 0330 403 4057 23 May 2018
Overview: Brief introduction to LGSCO- What we do Some statistics A couple of topical matters… Q & A
The Ombudsman’s work
Who are we? we independently investigate complaints about fault by independent care providers and local authorities causing injustice 100 investigators we have the powers of the High Court to obtain information and documents if we find fault, we may make recommendations about how to put things right
2016 – 2017 investigations received around 19,000 complaints and enquiries considered 11,526 of these further ‒ 4771 of which we investigated in detail ‒ and published our decisions about them online upheld 54% of complaints against local authorities where we carried out a detailed investigation made 3940 recommendations to put things right (LGO’s Annual Review of Local Government Complaints 2016-2017)
What kind of complaints? Complaints and enquiries received, 2016-2017
The Social Care Ombudsman we investigate all complaints about adult social care services, whether care is funded privately or provided by local authorities we received 3061 complaints and enquiries in 2016-17 2614 were about councils, 447 about individual care providers 1318 recommendations made 63% complaints upheld
Topical matters: We publish almost all our decisions and a series of e-newsletters you can subscribe to on our website Timing and procedure for financial assessment under the Care Act 2014 Contracting and complaints arrangements – Manual for Council link officers Top-up fees and providing information to people
Ombudsman contacts: Nicola Driver, External Relationships and Training Co-ordinator 0330 403 4286 0330 403 4042 (Steph Smith)