Baptism in the Book of Acts They were all filled! They all spoke with tongues! Acts 2:38: Promise is to all believers.
Baptism in the Book of Acts Philip preached Christ and they believed. Verses 14-17: They were already saved – they received a 2nd Experience
Baptism in the Book of Acts The Holy Spirit fell on them without anyone laying hands on them The Spirit fell before they were baptized in water The Jews knew they had received the Spirit by the manifestation of tongues
Benefits of Holy Spirit Baptism -Human Language or Heavenly Language 1 Corinthians 14:2
Benefits of Holy Spirit Baptism -Praying in tongues provides personal edification 1 Corinthians 14:4; June 20 It allows effective prayer when lacking of knowledge Romans 8:26-27
Benefits of Holy Spirit Baptism Tongues are always an acceptable form of praise and thanksgiving 1 Corinthians 14:15-17
Benefits of Holy Spirit Baptism The Baptisms of the Holy Spirit brings new boldness for Christ Philippians 1:20 Acts 4;15-13 Acts 19:6-8
Benefits of Holy Spirit Baptism The Baptisms of the Holy Spirit is the gateway into supernatural Christianity 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 Acts 2:17-18
Benefits of Holy Spirit Baptism The Baptism with the Spirit enables us to enter a new realm of worship 1 Corinthians 14:14-18
God’ Children=Baptized in the Holy Spirit Luke 11:19-13