Psychological factors affecting performance
Classification of skills What I need to know: Justification of placement of skills on continua: • difficulty (simple/complex) • environmental influence (open/closed) • pacing (self-paced/externally paced) • muscular involvement (gross/fine) • continuity (discrete/serial/continuous) • organisation (low/high). Tasks Describe each skill continua Difficulty (simple/complex) Environmental (open/closed) Pacing (self-paced/externally paced) Muscular (gross/fine) Continuity (discrete/serial/continuous) Organisation (low/high) Place each skill listed on the side on each continua Explain your reasons why you have placed them on the continua where you have. Skills Saving a penalty Putting in golf Archery Long jump Snooker Sailing Tennis serve Javelin throw Cycling Weight lifting Cartwheel in gymnastics Lay up in basketball Example of a continua: Simple Complex
Types and methods of practice What I need to know: characteristics and uses of each: • part practice • whole practice • whole/part-whole practice • progressive/part practice • massed practice • distributed practice • fixed practice • varied practice. Task: For a skill of your choice explain how you would use part practice, whole practice and whole/part-whole practice to improve the skill. Whole-Part-Whole Practice is when a performer tries the whole skill first then practises parts and then puts them all together to perform the whole skill. For example the lay up in basketball can be practised as a whole and then broken down into the run up, take off and then performed together Part Practice is often used when the skill is low in organisation and be split into sub routines. For example practising the backswing in a tennis serve before hitting the ball Whole Practice is when a skill is taught in full without breaking it down into sub routines or parts. For example for the golf swing to be effective then there is a need to practice the whole swing because each part of the swing interacts closely with the next part
Principles and theories of learning movement skills What I need to know: Theories of learning: • operant conditioning • cognitive theory of learning • Bandura’s theory of social/observational learning. Tasks Research the following theories of learning. You may use the pages on the following sheets to guide your research. Operant conditioning Cognitive theory of learning Bandura's theory of learning 2) Using the information you have researched create a information leaflet on the theories of learning 2) Extension Activity: See if you can think of from examples from a different sport. Choose one that you know very little about – it’s important to try and apply your skills to a range of different contexts. Support:
Stages of Learning COGNITIVE ASSOCIATIVE AUTONOMOUS What I need to know: Characteristics of the stages of learning: • cognitive • associative • autonomous. Complete the information below of the three stages of learning: COGNITIVE This is ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………... An example is ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………... ASSOCIATIVE This is ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………... An example is ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………... AUTONOMOUS This is ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………... An example is ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………... Extension: Explain what stage of learning your are in for your main sport. You may wish to consider the below questions: What stage of learning are you in for your main sport? Why are you in this stage? How can you move into the next stage of learning?
Guidance Tasks Read the scenario below What I need to know: Types and uses of guidance: • verbal guidance • visual guidance • manual guidance • mechanical guidance 2) advantages and disadvantages of using each type of guidance. Tasks Read the scenario below Research the correct netball shooting technique Write down what verbal guidance you would give Write down/draw the visual guidance you would give Write down the manual or mechanical guidance you would give Would you give different guidance at different stages of learning a skill? If so, why? Scenario: A cognitive netball player is shooting in netball for the first time, this is shown in the picture on the right. The performer has been shooting with one hand from behind their head with their feet together.
What I need to know: types and uses of feedback: • intrinsic • extrinsic • positive • negative • knowledge of performance • knowledge of results 2)advantages and disadvantages of using each type of feedback. Feedback Tasks Watch a sports performance of your choice from your main sport. Explain how the sports performer would access each type of feedback. Feedback to include – intrinsic, extrinsic, positive, negative, knowledge of results, knowledge of performance For example, during the netball game I watched the GA scored 80% of the shots she attempted on goal. This shows her knowledge of performance. The advantage with this is………… however the disadvantage of knowledge of performance is……..
What I need to know: Atkinson and Shiffren’s multi-store memory model • use of selective attention 2) Craik and Lockhart’s levels of processing model 3) relate both models to learning and performing physical activity skills. Memory models Tasks Research the Atkinson and Shiffren’s multi-store memory model and Craik and Lockhart’s levels of processing model Create a poster to demonstrate both of these models Forgetting Forgetting Forgetting
Goal setting in sports performance What I need to know: Importance and effectiveness of goal setting • for attentional focus •persistence on tasks • raising confidence and self-efficacy • control of arousal and anxiety • to monitor performance • the SMART principle (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Recorded, Time phased). Tasks Read the two articles attached and highlight key reasons for goal setting and how it might relate to sports performers important/ Create a SMART target for your own sports performance for A Level PE. Explain how your target is SMART focus on explaining each component Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Recorded, Time Phased. (for example – My target is specific to the activity I will be assessed in for my A level PE course as my the practical performance I want to offer for A level PE is netball so my target is specific to netball)
NEA – Practical Performance Tasks: Watch a video of a sports performer in your main practical sport. Analysis tasks – you can choose to present this in different ways (either produce a presentation or produce a written document, or write a speech). You must include in your analysis tasks – the strengths, and weaknesses of the sports performer. Identify an area of your sports performance and explain how you would improve it. For your practical performance you are required to take part in a sport from the list below. Your practical performance consists of two sections: Your performance in a chosen activity EAPI in a chosen activity For more information on each sport and what skills are required in each sport please refer to the specification on the OCR PE website: