Decisions, Decisions There are many decisions we’re confronted throughout our lives, that in hindsight, turn out to be “life altering”. To complicate matters, we live in a culture (thanks to social media) bent on imposing a moral
Lady Wisdom = Tree of Life Proverbs 3 Long life to those who “do not forget (her) teaching” and “keep (her) commandments”. V. 1 (cp. v. 16) Synonymously, by trusting in the LORD, you will not lean on your own understanding. V. 5-7 By fearing/trusting in the Lord… “it will be healing to your body…” v. 8 (cp. Rev 22:1-2)
Do we acknowledge Him in ALL our ways? Proverbs 3:6 While some things are so easy, other decisions are relatively much more difficult, as we strive to discern between “good” and “bad” decisions. Chocolate or vanilla? Buying a house: cash or 10 yr, 30 yr. mortgages? “White lies”? Capital punishment? Sacrifice your life for another?
The Way of Wisdom No matter what the decisions are we strive to make throughout out lifetime…. Do we seek and ask for God’s wisdom? James 1:5 Does His word to richly dwell within us? Col 3:16 Do we set our minds on the Spirit of God? Rom 8:1-5 If that is the case, we will discern and exercise our unique (though limited) sovereignty to best reflect God’s wisdom in handling our difficult questions.
In the words of Jesus “Nevertheless, not my will but your will be done In the words of Jesus “Nevertheless, not my will but your will be done.” Luke 22:42