Nucleophilic Substitution: Alkylation of α Carbons
Determining Thermodynamic Enolate
Determining Kinetic Enolate
Polyhalogenation of α Carbons under basic conditions
Formation of Ethers
Williamson’s Ether Synthesis Green Principles Addresses Less Hazardous Reagents Safer Solvent Use of renewable feedstocks
Intramolecular Williamson Ether Syntheses
Reactions of Epoxides under Neutral and Basic Conditions
Reactions of Epoxides under Neutral and Basic Conditions (cont)
Reactions of Epoxides under Neutral and Basic Conditions (cont) 67_p549_Karty1_CH10
Reactions of Epoxides under Neutral and Basic Conditions (cont) 68_p549_Karty1_CH10