Tafila Technical University By : Prof. Mohammad. A. Almahasneh Dr. Eyad Almaita
Contents Tafila Technical University Structure of TTU Challenges Potentials Conclusions Contents
Tafila Technical University (TTU) TTU was established by a Royal Decree on Jan. 1st, 2005. It Is the 1st technical university in Jordan. It Is the 9th public university Tafila Technical University (TTU)
TTU Academics Deanships Centers Departments Structure of TTU
Twenty five undergraduate programs Three graduate (master) programs These Colleges offer: Twenty five undergraduate programs Three graduate (master) programs Twelve community college programs College of Business College of Science College of Engineering College of Arts College of Educational Science
Scientific Research and Graduate Studies Students’ Affairs
Centers at TTU: Energy and Oil Shale Research Center Languages Center Computer and Information Technology Center Community Partnership Center Faculty Development Center
Departments at TTU Presidency Dept. Admission and Registration Dept. Library Quality Assurance Dept. Financial Dept. Human Resources Dept. Supplies Dept. Internal Audit Dept. Utilities Dept. Maintenance Dept. Public Relations Dept. Engineering Office
Geographical challenge Tafila is located 183 Km south of capital Amman. Limited public transportation options Jordan as one city country, Most Jobs are concentrated around Amman city. This force Tafila people move to another cities seeking Jobs. Geographical challenge
Graduate students and unemployment in Tafila
Unemployment` Source: Ministry of Labor
Other Main Challenges Successive dry seasons Limited Investments and financing options skilled workers are limited. Other Main Challenges
Phosphate Cement Copper Natural Resources
Other Opportunities Young and educated labor workforce. Enhancing decentralized governing and increasing City Budget Small business can play key role. International Funding agencies Other Opportunities
Tafila Technical University Can Play a key role in capacity building for students and local community. TTU can bridge the gap between markets demands and offered programs. TTU can promote innovative small businesses that can serve community and reduce unemployment conclusions
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