Review for Final Exam Spring 2017 Jeff Offutt SWE 205 Software Usability and Design
Parameters Tuesday, May 16 10:30 – 1:15 Same room Closed book / closed notes / closed neighbor Computers allowed (see next slide for rules) Covers readings, slides, in-class exercises, and homework assignments Primarily covers material since the midterm NOT cumulative You may take a break (not all together) Spread out—At least one seat between each person 205 - Final Review © Offutt
Computer Use in Final Exam You are allowed to use a computer in a limited way The exam will include a list of URLs May include patriot web (know your account name & password) Others TBD You will visit those URLs to answer some questions You may not : Use other software on your computer unless explicitly told Visit other websites or web apps Look at the course website Look at other usability educational materials Computer use will be monitored 205 - Final Review © Offutt
Concepts UI Flow Revenue and excise tasks Essential and accidental problems Evolutionary design Designing for users Home pages and taglines Types of navigation : multiple windows, panes, tools and menus, within information Undo Principles for making hard things seem easy Data entry Data integrity and data immunity Auditing and editing data 205 - Final Review © Offutt
Concepts (2) Control selection Design conflicts and differing goals in web design Usable security Dialog boxes (modal and modeless) Toolbars GUI widgets Usability as common courtesy Usability of games Assertions and assessments – analytical thinking Use of color in user interfaces 7 effective habits 205 - Final Review © Offutt
Preparing & Format Re-read the text and handouts Study the homework assignments Look at the in-class exercises again Get a good night’s sleep Different kinds of questions Short analysis of web sites Short answer T / F M / C Single-word answer questions 205 - Final Review © Offutt
Grade Posting I will post category averages and final scores on blackboard Also homework 9 and 10 grades Before the final: Assignment average (out of 10) Participation (Percent, 60 points = 100%) After the final Final exam score Overall average Letter grade 205 - Final Review © Offutt
Grading Calculation Homeworks 20% Participation 25% Midterm 25% Final 30% >= 90% : Guaranteed A- or A >= 80% : Guaranteed B or above >= 70% : Guaranteed C or above I will “move the line downwards” to find a gap One A+ for the highest overall average 205 - Final Review © Offutt