Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Kat Parr English 8 kparr@sandi.net (858) 549-5400 ext. 2212
Goals and Common Core: Re-ignite the FIRE for reading books (motivating literature with cultural awareness) Model deeper thinking, reading, analysis, and problem- solving Help students transition to high school with a variety of writing styles Strengthen grammar & academic vocabulary Read more challenging material closely Discuss reading using evidence
Classwork/Homework M.U.G Shot Monday (snippets of students’ writing) Grammar/ building stronger sentences Finish reading chapters in class novels Study for literary term quizzes Finishing up any work that was not completed in class. (A majority of students get their work done in my class AS LONG AS THEY MANAGE THEIR TIME EFFECTIVELY).
Websites Students Schoology.com- class site (schoology is a site students will use in class) Parents Marshall Homework Site Students should have their homework written in their planner. Agenda will always be posted in my classroom. PowerSchool (updated at least once a week)
Grading Standard scale for academic grade Gradebook categories: 70% Assessment (Essays, Tests, quizzes, & Projects) 30% Classwork (warm-ups, journals, grammar, & vocabulary activities) Citizenship Grade
Tutoring Students can make an appointment to meet with me before school or during lunch. They will need to make arrangements ahead of time. Students can ALWAYS ask questions during work-time, after class, or via email.
Mrs. Kat Parr English 8 kparr@sandi.net (858) 549-5400 ext. 2212 Contact Information Mrs. Kat Parr English 8 kparr@sandi.net (858) 549-5400 ext. 2212