A Comprehensive Introduction to Sermon Options and Structures KENTON C. ANDERSON Overview with Discussion Questions and Practical Exercises chapter 9
The Integrative Sermon Model: the musician For Example: KENT ANDERSON
The Integrative Sermon Performing a Song Composition The composer's intention. Performance The singer's expression. Words The rational content. Music The emotional appeal.
discussion question 26 Persuasion or Manipulation? Is persuasion different from manipulation? When does our honest attempt to convince someone cross the line into a blatant exercise of power? How do we avoid unduly influencing others in our appropriate desire to convince people of the truth?
practical exercise 19 Integrating Others Dis-integration in preaching is often only a matter of neglect. Analyze four sermons written by other preachers. Identify which of the four major sermon elements (the argument, the problem, the story, the vision) are missing. Describe how the missing elements could be effectively added to the sermon.
The Integrative Sermon Option 1: Nonintegrated "Put down roots"
The Integrative Sermon Option 2: Consecutive "Go on a journey"
The Integrative Sermon Option 3: Concurrent "Tear down the borders"
A Comprehensive Introduction to Sermon Options and Structures KENTON C. ANDERSON