Back to School Information Night Mr. Collins-Johnson, Mr. Riehle Welcome Parents! Team Enthusiasm Back to School Information Night Mrs. Hubler, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Collins-Johnson, Mr. Riehle
Mission Statement We celebrate diversity. We cultivate relationships. We challenge ourselves and each other. We champion excellence in all endeavors. We change the world one person at a time.
Classroom Communications Mr. Riehle Math 6 Pre-Algebra Reading Seminar
Classroom Communications Mrs. Thomas Social Studies Reading Seminar
Classroom Communications Mrs. Hubler Science Reading Seminar
Classroom Communications Mr. Collins-Johnson Language Arts Communication Media – 6
Parent Communication ParentVUE Grade update by teachers sent via email or paper copy to students every couple of weeks Missing Work-will appear as MIS in gradebook Mid-term grades Written communication in planners Email or telephone message
Google Classroom/Edmodo These are online communication boards between students, parents and teachers. Students and parents can join groups based on content areas. Teachers will post messages or assignments in content groups. Students can message teachers or other students with questions or comments about daily assignments.
Cyclone Binders Students who use one binder for all classes are shown to be more successful in school. Organizational Purposes Planner Big idea/homework Check off when completed Class subject dividers Chronological by date All classwork stays in the binder Monthly Binder Checks
Team Expectations Each teacher will go over classroom expectations and syllabus with students. We follow the “Boystown” guidelines on expected behaviors. Expectations are reviewed and practiced with students. Students will not be allowed to interrupt the learning of others. Failure to follow expectations will result in a student/teacher conference to reinforce expectations, removal to separate location, processing using a “think sheet”, or a team meeting with teachers to resolve issue. Parent meeting will be initiated if expectations are not met by above strategies.
Study Help Study Club Provide after school help Technology available Teachers will be available before or after school to help your child. Please make arrangements with the specific teacher.
CARS C – Citizenship A – Achievement R – Respect S – Self-Discipline
Questions or Concerns Classroom teachers
Thank you for sharing your students with us! We are looking forward to an awesome year being your PIT (Partners In Teaching) Crew with you!