Table 8. Situation of the areas restored by RUSAL year Area exploited (ha) Restored Area (ha) species planted 2002 11, 09 09, 77 E. AC. M. 2003 26, 35 23, 60 M. AC. P. 2004 11, 23 12, 10 E. AC. CA. 2005 15, 45 25, 70 2006 20, 29 31, 60 2007 9, 61 32, 30 DP. AC. E. 2008 17, 26 30, 40 2009 8, 17 15,70 P. AC. CA. 2010 13, 22 24, 99 C. AC. DP. 2011 18, 03 AC. M. Total 144, 77 224, 19 - Legend: E (Eucalyptus); AC (Acacia), M (Mango tree); P (Parkia); C (Cashew); DP (Dwarf Palm). Aboubacar Younoussa CAMARA et al. Effect of Mining by RUSAL Company on Renewable Natural Resources in the Prefecture of Fria, Republic of Guinea. Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health, 2018, Vol. 6, No. 1, 7-19. doi:10.12691/jephh-6-1-2 © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Science and Education Publishing.