Primary screening results of the MMV Malaria Box library. Primary screening results of the MMV Malaria Box library. (A) The 400 Malaria Box compounds were screened at a 50 µM concentration in 0.5% DMSO for activity against C. neoformans in liquid cultures. DMSO vehicle controls are indicated with red closed triangles, medium control without fungal growth is indicated with green open triangles, and wells containing drug are indicated with black open circles. (B) Dose-response curve of selected compounds. C. neoformans cultures were plated and exposed to DMSO vehicle control or inhibitors for 72 h ranging from 0.39 µM to 50 µM concentrations. A parent molecule, PTA-D0 (26, 27), of our 240-derivative library was included in the initial screen; however, it did not prove fungicidal. (C) After treatment, the liquid cultures were plated on Sabouraud rich medium and grown at 30°C to allow full recovery. Eric H. Jung et al. mSphere 2018; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00537-17