As you may know, our organization is one of over 150 medical groups and health systems nationwide participating in AMGA’s Diabetes: Together 2 Goal® campaign. This campaign aims to empower healthcare providers like us to collectively improve care for 1 million people living with Type 2 diabetes by 2021. Together 2 Goal® has provided a range of resources – from a campaign toolkit, to monthly webinars, data and benchmarking, and more – to help us improve diabetes management. Over the first two years of the campaign, we collectively improved care for more than 750,000 Americans.
T2G Talk & Taste November 7, 2019 National Day of Action, officially on November 7, 2019, is the campaign’s annual observance where healthcare professionals come together to “take action” to improve diabetes care. The theme of this year’s National Day of Action, similar to last year, is a “T2G Talk & Taste.” So today, we’re going to enjoy a healthy meal and talk about how we can improve diabetes care!
Agenda Select and watch one (or more!) Plank Mentor video(s) Pick one that focuses on a campaign plank relevant to your organization Discuss Plank Mentor video(s) Recognize exceptional staff Learn about additional resources Take our team picture! Here is our agenda for today’s T2G Talk & Taste.
Select Plank Mentor Video(s) Plank Mentors are individuals who have excelled at implementing a given campaign plank within their organization. They are available to campaign participants like us to answer questions, offer expertise, and share lessons learned in a one-on-one setting. Which plank mentor would we like to hear from today? Remember, we’ll want to pick a plank mentor that focuses on a campaign plank relevant to our organization.
Watch Plank Mentor Video(s) [Use the link above or paste into your browser to reach the homepage for all 11 Plank Mentor videos. Once on the page, click on the thumbnail of a video you want to watch and you’ll be taken directly to it on YouTube.] Please note: the link above will not be live until November 1, 2019.
Discuss Plank Mentor Video(s) How are we currently implementing this campaign plank within our organization? What are we doing that’s working well? What challenges are we encountering? What ideas do you have to improve implementation of this campaign plank? What question(s) would you ask this Plank Mentor that could inform our efforts?
Staff Recognition “Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.” - Pat Riley [Take this time to recognize staff that are doing exceptionally well as part of the diabetes care team and are making a difference in the lives of patients with Type 2 diabetes. See the “NDOA Participation Guide” for different categories of recognition you can consider. Please feel free to use the “Certificate Template” provided in the kit to reward staff at this time.]
Presenting Corporate Collaborator Featured Resource Engaging Patients With Type 2 Diabetes About Common Comorbidities: Using the Teach Back Method Our featured resource, provided by the Janssen Pharmaceuticals Companies of Johnson & Johnson, is Engaging Patients With Type 2 Diabetes About Common Comorbidities: Using the Teach Back Method. This resource explains what the teach back method is and how it can be applied to patients with comorbidities of Type 2 diabetes. Resource link: Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is the Together 2 Goal® Presenting Corporate Collaborator
Beyond National Day of Action… Continue the discussion! Reach out to a Plank Mentor Attend a T2G monthly webinar (to register, email Consult the T2G Campaign Toolkit Supplement Visit While National Day of Action is a great opportunity to “take action” to improve diabetes care, we all know it takes more than one day to make a difference in our diabetes management efforts. Here are some things we can do beyond today: Continue the discussion – today we discussed a few ways to improve our campaign efforts. Let’s be sure to continue this conversation so we can implement some of the great ideas that were shared today! Reach out to a Plank Mentor – these individuals are available to us for one-on-one mentoring. Would we find value in this? Plank mentor link: Attend a T2G monthly webinar – as a participating group in Together 2 Goal®, we can ALL attend monthly campaign webinars that focus on diabetes improvement for free. You can view the topics at To register email Consult the T2G Campaign Toolkit Supplement– The Together 2 Goal® Campaign Toolkit Supplement offers a host of practical, proven tools and resources from other medical groups and health systems. Let’s look at the tools associated with the campaign plank we discussed today and see if any of them would work well for our organization. Campaign Toolkit Supplement Link: Visit – The campaign website has a range of resources available to help us in our diabetes improvement journey including webinar archives, quick wins, best practices from other campaign participants, and much more!
Beyond National Day of Action… Together 2 Goal® just rolled out a new offering –interactive campaign planks! It’s now easier than ever to explore all the resources related to any campaign plank. Just click on the relevant icon to find provider resources, webinars, Plank Mentors, materials from the Campaign Toolkit and Toolkit Supplement, and more - all in one, easy location. Interactive Campaign Plank Link:
Beyond National Day of Action… Together, we can improve care for 1 million people living with Type 2 diabetes!
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