ECOSTAT nutrient work: Roadmap and future work Jo-Anne Pitt


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Presentation transcript:

ECOSTAT nutrient work: Roadmap and future work Jo-Anne Pitt

Roadmap for the BP Guidance WS agrees on Necessary work to finalise draft guidance until end of November 2017 The draft guidance Report back to ECOSTAT on 11 October; ECOSTAT to agree on The outstanding work and on the draft guidance Finalisation of the draft guidance until end of November 2017 Inform ECOSTAT in spring 2018 on the final guidance Ask SCG in May 2018 for endorsement of the draft guidance Inform WD meeting in June 2018

Future Work WS agrees to propose a follow-up process on nutrients Hands-on Workshop on the BP guidance to prepare for the next River Basin Management Plans Workshop (Work?) on multiple pressure supported by MARS Convert the BP guidance to a CIS guidance