TORCH Social Studies 6th 7th 8th with Mrs. Toni Taylor
Welcome to (6,7,8) Grade Social Studies! Class Rules: Procedures: Be respectful Use bathroom before class, hall passes are for emergencies only. Come to class prepared Be on time Sharpen pencils, obtain materials, turn in homework as you come into class. Be courteous Follow all school rules Come in and get to work, your warm ups will be on the board everyday you come in.
Let me explain where everything in the class is…….
About your class: 6th Grade World Sixth grade is the first year of a two-year World Area Studies course. Sixth grade students study Latin America, Canada, Europe, and Australia. The goal of the course is to acquaint middle school students with the world in which they live. They will study the geography, government/civics economics, and key historic events of each region. The course is divided into learning sections by region and units. A tentative pacing guide will be posted on the website! We will be starting with Unit 1: Europe Geographic Understandings
What would a day in this class look like? First! Come in and get our your social studies folder (or folder that contains a sections for social studies). Turn in Homework, if you had any, sharpen pencils and etc. Begin your warm up which will be on the board. Complete your warm up in your composition book. Next! We will begin our lesson – will consist of PowerPoint presentations, videos, and activities. Activities could vary from projects, group work, quizzes, etc.. Last! We will come to a close and recap out lesson with a closure activity such as a TOTD or writing prompt.
What do YOU need to be successful? A positive attitude Ready and excited to learn Index Cards, Pen and pencil (other supplies from our list). A composition book for warm ups A 3 ring binder OR a section within a binder for this class. You will need to divide your binder into 2 sections Notes Handouts and Assignments to be completed .
About your class: 7th Grade World Seventh grade is the second year of a two-year World Area Studies course. Seventh grade students study Africa and Asia. The goal of the course is to acquaint middle school students with the world in which they live. They will study the geography, government/civics economics, and key historic events of each region. The course is divided into learning sections by region and unit. A tentative pacing guide will be posted on the website! We will be starting with Geography and the Modern Middle East
What would a day in this class look like? First! Come in and get our your social studies folder (or folder that contains a sections for social studies). Turn in Homework, if you had any, sharpen pencils and etc. Begin your warm up which will be on the board. Complete your warm up in your composition book. Next! We will begin our lesson – will consist of PowerPoint presentations, videos, and activities. Activities could vary from projects, group work, quizzes, etc.. Last! We will come to a close and recap out lesson with a closure activity such as a TOTD or writing prompt.
What do YOU need to be successful? A positive attitude Ready and excited to learn Index Cards, Pen and pencil (other supplies from our list). A composition book for warm ups A 3 ring binder OR a section within a binder for this class. You will need to divide your binder into 2 sections Notes Handouts and Assignments to be completed .
About your class: 8th Grade Georgia Studies In eighth grade, students study Georgia geography, history, government, and economics. While the four strands are interwoven, ample opportunity is also provided for in-depth study of the geography of Georgia and the government of Georgia. U.S. historical events are included, as appropriate, to ensure students understand Georgia’s role in the history of the United States. The course is into units. A tentative pacing guide will be posted on the Website! We will be starting with Geographic Understandings and American Indians.
What would a day in this class look like? First! Come in and get our your social studies folder (or folder that contains a sections for social studies). Turn in Homework, if you had any, sharpen pencils and etc. Begin your warm up which will be on the board. Complete your warm up in your composition book. Next! We will begin our lesson – will consist of PowerPoint presentations, videos, and activities. Activities could vary from projects, group work, quizzes, etc.. Last! We will come to a close and recap out lesson with a closure activity such as a TOTD or writing prompt.
What do YOU need to be successful? A positive attitude Ready and excited to learn Index Cards, Pen and pencil (other supplies from our list). A composition book for warm ups A 3 ring binder OR a section within a binder for this class. You will need to divide your binder into 2 sections Notes 2. Handouts and Assignments to be completed .
What about grades? Grading Policy: Assessments/ Test/ Projects: 60% Standard Check (Quiz & Activities): 30% Homework 10% What is considered an assessment? Tests, Essays, Projects
Important contact info! Write this down – OR highlight on your syllabus. Email: Website: Coming soon! Remind: For updates – like a Test or Project Due Date. To sign up : 8th Grade: text @328a23 to the number 81010 7th Grade: text @cdbf7c to the number 81010 6th Grade: text @edcchd to the number 81010
What about me? My name is Mrs. Taylor. I am a graduate from Valdosta State University, where I have a Bachelor in History and a Masters in Teaching Secondary History. When I am not teaching I enjoy, reading, traveling and spending time with my little family.
Any Questions??????
Writing Prompt (7th grade) Take out a sheet of paper and pen or pencil. Write your name, first and last, grade and period. You are going to write 2 paragraphs: Number each paragraph and write the question. Frist paragraph will be “What did you like about TORCH last year? 5-7 sentences. if you were not in torch last year your question is “What do I expect TORCH to be like?” What was your favorite and/or least favorite thing about TORCH Social Studies last year? 5-7 sentences.
Who am I? Mrs. Taylor 1. What is your favorite subject? 2. What is your least favorite subject? 3. What do you like to do for fun? 4. What do you like best about school? 5. What do you like least about school? 6. What do you like to do after school? 7. What do you think you are good at? 8. What is your favorite place to go with the family? 9. Do you like to read? What do you like to read? 10. What is your favorite thing to read? 11. What is your favorite thing to watch on tv? 12. What are three things you want to tell me about yourself?