Definition: Old : It is using of living organisms to develop useful products. Recent: The application of genetic engineering and DNA technology for manipulation of organisms for producing economic, therapeutic and medical diagnostic products
Green biotechnology Green Biotechnology is the use of genetically altered plants to produce more environmental-friendly farming solutions as an alternative to traditional agriculture, horticulture resulting in crop enhancement . Introducing new genetic traits including resistance to certain pests, enviromental conditions and chemical treatments as herbicides, or simply improving the nutrition profile of the crop.
Examples of green biotechnology 1) Flavr Savr tomato
2) Golden rice
Applications: Biopharming & biofactories Biopharming, or molecular farming refers to the use of genetically engineered animals or plants (GMs) as biofactories to produce drugs, vaccines, antibodies, antigens, enzymes, hormones, …etc. E.g. Pigs engineered to produce human hemoglobin
Biotech vs. Pharmaceutical Factory Size Small Big Equipment Specific (e.g. Bioreactors, fermenters) Usual equipment Aseptic obligatory Only if you have sterile products Risk Very High Normal Product Drugs and non drugs Drugs only High risk: focus on a few products whereas big pharma has a more diversified portfolio of products Biotech typically has a more limited budget vs. big pharmas’ deep pockets: R&D of a new drug takes many years and millions of dollars always susceptible to a huge blowup until the drug is approved, commercialized, and successfully used in a large patient population for at least one year pharma less sensitive to swings in the business cycle Biotech, especially small ones, are very sensitive to business cycle as they rely on venture capitals and the equity market to fund their research
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Name and describe a RED biotechnology application