Welcome! Please check-in and sit with a small group.
Opening Prayer
Director of Music/Organist Today’s Lesson Faith in Life – Lutheran Worship Practices We welcome our guest teacher today: Dianne Christensen Director of Music/Organist
Guest Speaker Debrief -Answer the 3 questions on your Lesson 27 guide
Quiz (on Lesson 26) I LOVE QUIZZES! Me, too! Me, three!
1. Which Lord’s Prayer petition connects our family meals to Holy Communion? First Second Third Fourth Communion Quiz!
2. What is the Fourth Petition? Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done… Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses… Communion Quiz!
3. In John 6:48, Jesus calls Himself the “_______ of life.” Water Cheese Bacon Bread Communion Quiz!
4. True or false: Christ’s body and blood replace the bread and wine at Communion. Communion Quiz!
5. True or false: Christ’s body and blood are present in the bread and wine during Holy Communion. Communion Quiz!
6. True or false: People receive Christ’s body and blood in the Sacrament, whether or not they believe. Communion Quiz!
7. BONUS Question: Our final end-of-the-year test will be on: a. Apr 7. BONUS Question: Our final end-of-the-year test will be on: a. Apr. 26 b. May 1 c. May 8 d. May 15 Communion Quiz!
With your small group: Share: Your highs and lows from the week Write down prayer requests Choose a confirmand to pray later
Volunteer Ticket Winner! March – Robbie Schembri Congrats!
Reminders! 15 sermon notes & 15 service hours due May 1st! Kahoot Review on May 1st! Test on May 8th! Class party outside w/ root beer floats on May 15th!
Test Study Guide Final Test Tues, May 8 It will cover lessons from Sept. – Apr. Multiple choice, true or false, short answer, and short essay
Upcoming Sunday Night FLY’s!
Have a wonderful week! Go in peace and serve the Lord!