CONGRATULATIONS! President Obama has given you permission to create and enforce one new law in the United States. Assume that Congress will agree with and automatically pass your law. Write it down now.
PART II: CONVINCING THE PEOPLE Now, you must convince the people of the United States that your law is a good idea. List the reasons why they should support this law.
Argumentative Writing
What elements are used in Argumentative Writing? Addresses both sides of a claim. Uses evidence to prove a claim. Uses counterclaims to disprove the other side’s claim.
What is a claim? In an argument, the writer’s position on an issue or problem. When used in this sense, there may be more than one claim within a work.
What is a counterclaim? A claim made to disprove the other side’s point of view
What techniques are used in Argumentative Writing? Uses four writing techniques Logical Appeal (logos) Ethical Appeal (ethos) Emotional Appeal (pathos) Cultural/Social Appeal (mythos)
What is logical appeal (logos)? The use of reasonable, valid, strong, clear claims and cited evidence to convince the reader. Use of facts, statistics, charts/graphs, etc.
What is ethical appeal (ethos)? The writer uses evidence that is fair, open-minded and honest to appear knowledgeable. The writer convinces the reader that he/she is credible and should be trusted.
What is emotional appeal (pathos)? When the writer uses emotions to connect with the reader. The writer appeals to certain feelings, such as fear or pity
What is social/cultural appeal (mythos)? The writer makes clear references that everyone is familiar with to evoke the feelings of kinship and shared values. The writer wants you to feel as if you are part of a community.
Show What You Know! Problem: You want pizza, but Ms. J won’t order it How can you fight her objections using: Logos? Ethos? Pathos? Mythos?
What is the Difference Between Persuasion and Argument? logical shows the writer’s belief/conclusion is valid has a claim that is well-proven by evidence offers counterclaims/both sides Persuasion: changes the reader’s point of view requests an action by the reader asks the reader to accept one particular viewpoint