VP-Education Training TLTP July 2019 Introductions, Knowing the audience; Making groups, Community vs Corporate, First time VP Eds, First time EC Indumathy Pinnamaneni ACS, ALB Elan Toastmasters Hyderabad
Vice President Education (VPE) Club Officer Training Leadership skills, empowering others and help others achieve their goals, exposure, networking, a sense of achievement, confidence, experience, managing the core of TI.. Educational program.. An honour!
Club mission “We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.”
Role Club Mission: “We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.” Role: “The vice president education is the second ranking club officer and is responsible for planning, organizing and directing a club program which meets the educational needs of the individual members. The vice president education chairs the education committee.” How does your role support the achievement of club mission? 3 min. Question to audience: Role in one phrase/sentence Club leadership handbook Role vs responsibility As vice president education, you schedule members’ speeches, verify the completion of projects and serve as a resource for questions about the education program, speech contests and your club mentor program. You are an important source of Toastmasters knowledge for club members and it is your job to become familiar with all aspects of the Toastmasters education program.
Roles and responsibilities Club meeting Educational goals Base camp manager Educational awards Speech contests Mentor program Executive committee
Club meeting Before During After Meeting schedule Role players/speakers Back-up plans Communications: Emails/Whatsapp/Fb Guest TMs Coffee with TMOD! Whatsapp meeting group Meeting Agenda Awards /announcements During Arrive early Follow up on role players and speakers arrival Missing/Drop-outs Role evaluators Greet guests and ask! Quick prep with TMOD/GE/TTM Member attendance Presiding officer After Member time Revisit educational goals Plan for next meeting Guests?
Educational responsibilities New member orientation TM Educational program (Pathways) Membership Interest Survey Education tracker for members Discussion cycle DCP Education sessions: Speakers? New member orientation: Setting expectations right! TM Educational program Membership Interest Survey Know your manuals! CL too please! Education tracker for members Discussion cycle..July..Dec..June DCP
Educational awards Educating members Manual check for dates? Filing the award Your award?
Speech contests Understand the Rule book Educating members Setting up contest dates Sending nominations email Involving/inviting TM community Understanding AD’s role Deciding Contest Chair and role players Note: Contest CJ sends winners details to PQD, DCJ Club timeline, club contest date to decide with EC, area and division contest dates, nomination for roles and contestants, templates, documents, certificates.
Mentor program Assign a mentor Maintain tracker/roster Maintain mentor: mentee ratio Take feedbacks from both Revisit mentor assignment Create proxy mentor/delegate Monitor mentoring and meeting quality Follow-up with mentors
EC responsibilities Vote to decide; EC consensus Area and District council member Contribute to Club Success Plan Fungibility (identify who to collaborate with) EC meetings Club Success Plan Educational goals of members DCP Awards Contests Mentoring concerns Meeting roles
MOT, CSP, DCP, MIS “Moments of Truth” discusses the standards necessary to create positive impressions about club service The club executive committee develops a “Club Success Plan” based on the needs and goals of club members The is an annual program, running from July 1 the “Distinguished Club Program” through June 30. The program consists of 10 goals for your club to obtain “Member Interest Survey” can be used to help plan club programs around needs and interests as well as help members communicate their objectives and goals Project relevant files
AD (district officers) Resources Resources Ex EC or VP ED Leadership Hand book Manuals Base camp TI Website Senior TMs Whatsapp groups AD (district officers) Mentor mapping will be done here
Additional resources
Pathways – Base camp manager Login into Toastmasters.org Pathways > go to Base Camp > Login as Base Camp Manager
Pathways – Base camp manager Note: Base camp manager cannot see members if they have not logged into pathways before or selected the said club as home club in base camp
Pathways – Base camp manager Note: Base camp manager cannot see members if they have not logged into pathways before or selected the said club as home club in base camp Pending requests
Member progress
Pathways – Base camp manager Manager tutorial
Getting Started Attend district-sponsored club-officer training program Read materials - Club leadership handbook Meet with the outgoing VPE and EC Meet with the president and current executive committee Talk to your mentor Mapping now?
Overwhelming? Excellent leadership experience Shadow officer/Joint roles One thing at a time Set expectations right! Allot specific time of the week Reach out to the Captain of the ship! TMs from the community Crew of the ship…EC
Day to day scenarios VP Ed responsibilities: Time... All members: Happy? Meeting roles: Nominations Last minutes: Back-outs and back-ups Tracking progress: Challenges Educational goals: Commitment Speech nominations: Overwhelming/Underwhelming?! Any other scenarios? (3) Ask audience: 10 min
Case Study/Activity 15 min+20 min Pick numbers...
Case study 1 Plan and organize a club ISC/Table topics contest
Case study 2 Members do not always willingly commit to meeting roles, strategize to fill role player and speaker slots in a struggling club
Case study 3 Collaboration with the VP membership, VP public relation, secretary and treasurer One member has submitted request for Pathways Level 1 completion, how would you verify all projects are completed before you approve? What would you do to encourage members of your club, to visit other clubs and take up roles in area and division contests?
Best practices Meeting agenda Education session ideas Communication and leadership progress tracker: One stop shop! Train TMODs Mentoring matters! Are you tech-savvy? Fixed time of the week Systematic Nominations: Dedicated inbox New member participation Education session ideas Special meetings Non Educational awards Transitions Mentor reports for educational goals Joint VP-Ed role/Secretary Best practices from across the city? Mentoring is not only for speeches! Education session: meeting roles, mentoring, contest related, members’ interest; special meetings: milestone, twinning, celeb u, joint meetings, reverse meetings, speakathon, Acs,
Summary Knowledge transition Know the educational program Know your members Quality club meetings Documentation and tracking Contests Filing awards Mentoring DCP
Questions If time permits? will be taken offline or in the VP Ed group...
Thank you!