Kerri Briesmiester CTMS Application Manager & OnCore Coordinator MBECT Sunset Kickoff Kerri Briesmiester CTMS Application Manager & OnCore Coordinator
Agenda Background Info on MBECT Shutdown New Studies Existing Studies in MBECT Migration Schedule Roles & Responsibilities Training Requirements Value & Benefits MBECT Pricing Tool
MBECT Sunset MBECT will be shutdown on 12/31/19 Multiple security risks and software issues No changes for Clinical Trials
New Clinical Research Studies Focus on Clinical Research Studies with billable items and services As of June 1, new studies will be managed in OnCore and the CTSUs. Expecting ~10 new clinical research studies per month Follow current CTSU workflows Complete Intake Form
Existing Studies in MBECT Existing studies in MBECT will be migrated to OnCore by November 1, 2019 ~200 studies to migrate ~16,000 subjects to migrate 1:1 meetings with 60 faculty new to OnCore Complete migration by November 1, 2019
Migration Schedule July-Aug May - Sept Sept-Nov Study identified with Billable Items & Services Build & Validate Calendar and Budget OnCore/CTSU Finance/Study Teams Study Team Training Migrate & Validate Protocol and Participant Data OnCore/Study Teams Convert to Clinical Research Billing Workflow OnCore/CRAO/MiChart/Study Teams GO LIVE May - Sept July-Aug Sept-Nov Prepare & Transfer Research Account to CTSU Finance*
*Financial Account Management Follow guidance already available for clinical trials Determined on a case by case basis when it doesn’t clearly fit the guidance CTSU Finance may require creation of a sub-account if project is part of a larger award
CTSU Lead Administrator Point of contact for all communications with Study Teams Requesting Protocol, Budget and Contract from Study Teams Meeting with faculty new to OnCore Request accounts for new PI’s Available for questions
CTSU Finance Team Validate budget build Discuss, on a case by case basis, management of research account with Departments Assist Departments in preparing for transfer of research account Collaborate with Department Research Staff to build budget, if one is not available
Calendar Review & Analysis Office Add Michigan Billing Codes to Calendar Review and approve care designations Validate the Calendar Build Assist with calendar revisions and visit tolerances Link patient to timeline OnCore Chargemaster Maintenance Provide Codes and Prices for all new studies
OnCore Team Roles & Responsibilities Identify existing studies in MBECT qualified for migration Collect protocol, contract and budget Coordinate the calendar and budget build Coordinate and manage the migration of protocol and participant data Send protocol and calendar to MiChart Coordinate end user training Provide end user support
MiChart Research Team Support conversion to Clinical Research Billing Workflow Activate Clinical Research Billing Workflow in MiChart Provide end user support
Revenue Cycle & Research Billing Assists with Study Activation on the New Billing Workflow Research Billing Team Manages all billing Review of Charges and Source of Truth Handles all unscheduled Occurrence Forms Resolute Team Technical work related to the Billing Workflow in MiChart MiChart Chargemaster Maintenance
Principal Investigators Meet with CTSO/CTSU Leadership What it means to be part of a CTSU Study in OnCore Close studies that do not need to remain open Activate OnCore Account Be prepared to sign-off in OnCore for new studies
Study Teams One-time Migration Activities Provide Protocol, Budget & Contract for build Validate Calendar Build Update participant data in MBECT Complete required training activities Update and validate participant data in OnCore after migration Participate in Conversion Room for Clinical Research Billing Workflow
Study Teams Ongoing OnCore: Enroll new patients; mark visits as occurred; reset calendar when needed MiChart: Run Workbench Reports Consider scheduling this activity Link upcoming encounters to visits on the timeline When meeting with participants, check that encounters are linked Re-link if appointment was rescheduled (new notification tool!)
Department Staff (Admin/Finance) Provide Budget and Contract for build, if requested Ensure research account reconciliation is up-to-date Participate in transfer of research account to CTSU Finance Explain any variances and previous reconciliation of the account Answer any additional questions from CTSU Finance
Training Requirements for Study Staff OnCore and MiChart Training required MLearning OnCore CRA Certification Introduction to OnCore (online) OnCore Subject Management (in-person) OnCore Protocol Maintenance (online) MiChart Study Coordinator Training (in-person) MiChart Encounter Linking (online)
Training Requirements for PI’s No required online training CTSU Lead Administrator will request PI’s OnCore Account For new studies, PI’s must review budget/calendar and “Sign Off” in OnCore prior to Open to Accrual Tipsheet Available CTSU Staff and OnCore Team available to assist
Value & Benefits Study Teams All studies, for some teams, in one system Point of control to decrease billing errors Alleviate a major pain point and re-work. Create ideal research participant experience Improved workflow for cancelled/rescheduled appointments InBasket message to SC early notification to fix!! Research indicator icon in scheduler’s sidebar report
Value & Benefits CTSU Finance Team OnCore functionality for invoice management Additional charge review tools and reports Revenue Cycle All information in one location Less billing errors; less manual adjudication Reporting Can track / show adjudication errors and much more
After the Go Live Studies moved to OnCore and the Clinical Research Billing Workflow require ongoing Patient Encounter Linking Mark visits as “Occurred” in OnCore New Studies Complete the CTSU Intake Form to get started Automatically included in new billing workflow once open to accrual Follow subject management guidelines in the work guide
(Grant Pricing Assistance) MBECT Sunsetting (Grant Pricing Assistance)
CRAO’s Grant Pricing Assistance For assistance in pricing outpatient-care items to build your initial budget or proposal, please contact the Calendar Review & Analysis Office (CRAO) by emailing the specifics of your request to CRAO- Be sure to include any existing protocol or other documentation. CRAO will provide a list of chargemaster prices for requested or protocol-driven items and services to facilitate the creation of a true-cost budget. Contact CRAO with your request at the earliest opportunity. Email Subject line “Grant Pricing Request: PI - Grant or protocol ID (if available)”. Email should include contact information for yourself and/or a team member knowledgeable about the project and available to respond questions that come up during pricing process. Don’t forget to CC your CTSU contact on request email. Once received, a CRAO team member will triage to appropriate staff and the CRAO staff member will respond in a timely manner.