Advisement Features in CSNS (I) The Basics Chengyu Sun California State University, Los Angeles
Overview Log onto CSNS User types Search and access user records Use Advisement Record Q&A
1. Log onto CSNS Select the right department and log in Each department has its own “view” It’s recommended that you bookmark the home page of your department
2. User Types Menu Department -> People Only administrators and faculty can access advisement functions Administrator Can perform all operations. Faculty Full-time faculty; can perform most operations. Instructor Part-time faculty Rubric Evaluator External evaluators of rubrics Program Reviewer Program reviewers like ABET reviewers
3. Search and Access Student Records Department -> People -> Search By first and/or last name, CIN, username, email
4. Use Advisement Record Add record Edit record Email record Attach files Set the record to be Advisors Only Edit record Email record Email record to student for bookkeeping purpose Students can access their own records on their Profile page
5. Q&A … Q: How does the student information get into CSNS? A: Lots of data is entered by the students and the instructors who use CSNS as a Learning Management System (LMS). We also import additional data provided by the departments, the Associate Dean’s Office, and GET. Advisors do not need to worry about entering student information manually.
... Q&A Q: Where can I download the PPT file in the video? Q: Who should I contact if I have more questions? A: Chengyu Sun at