Recognizing the Symptoms and Ways to Triumph Stress and Anxiety Recognizing the Symptoms and Ways to Triumph
Sympathetic nervous system Cortisol and Adrenaline Driven Reactive No thought-need to survive
Parasympathetic Nervous System Activated in the frontal cortex Involves thought Calm response
VaGAL Nervous System FREEZE Prolonged traumatic stress response may cause to be numb Dissociation Lack of feeling
Stress Stress experienced in 4 main areas: physical, mental, emotional, behavioral Physical Signs: aches and pains, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, loss of sex drive, frequent colds
Symptoms Continued Emotional: moody, irritable, can’t relax, feeling overwhelmed, sense of isolation, depression/unhappy Cognitive: memory issues, can’t focus, poor judgement, only see the negative, racing thoughts, constant worry Behavioral: eating issues, sleep issues, procrastinate, nervous habits, using substances to relax
Types of Anxiety Panic Attacks/ Disorder Generalized Anxiety Social Anxiety Separation Anxiety Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Panic Disorder
Panic Disorder Symptoms Feelings of impending doom Fear of loss of control/death Rapid, pounding heart rate Shortness of breath Sweating Chest pain
Symptoms continues Trembling Feeling of detachment Nausea Numbness Hot Flashes Dizziness Headache
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Hypervigilant Difficulty falling asleep Unwanted, intrusive thoughts Difficulty concentrating Keep having the same thought over and over Characteristic thought “What if…..”
Social Anxiety Symptoms Fear of situations where you may be judged. Intense fear of having to interact with strangers. Worrying about embarrassing yourself. Fear others will notice your anxiety or its symptoms. Expecting the worst possible consequence from a negative experience in a social situation. Analyzing your performance after a social situation-looking for faults.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms Obsessions are recurrent/persistent thoughts, images, and impulses or images that cause anxiety/disgust. These thoughts are often around contamination or harm, the need for symmetry/exactness or forbidden sexual/religious thoughts. Compulsions mental acts or repetitive behaviors people in gain in because of obsessive thoughts.
Compulsions Are done to help reduce distress or a feared situation. People know the rituals are irrational. Examples: cleaning, repeating, checking, ordering, mental compulsion.
Contributors to Stress and Anxiety Significant Personal Loss Lack of Assertiveness Life change No Self Care Stimulants Fast paced Lifestyle Anxious self talk No sense of meaning Withheld feelings Hereditary Learned behavior Trauma
Managing Stress and Anxiety Seek a higher power Deep breathing Visualization Muscle Relaxation Acts of kindness
Managing Stress and Anxiety Positive Coping Statements Mapping strategies Mindfulness One day at a Time Exercise Attitude of Gratitude Don’t Fight It Roll with It Make Lists
Worry Jar
F.E.A.R. (False Evidence that appears Real) Help consider other explanations Point out flaws in thinking Baby Steps Positive reinforcement