Your excellency Mrs. teachers and all my beloved friends,
First of all, let us praise and gratitude prayed to Allah's presence First of all, let us praise and gratitude prayed to Allah's presence. Because of the grace and guidance we are given his health to come together in this class.
Previously, we will introduce ourselves. Here, we will present our PROCEDURE TEXT. Previously, we will introduce ourselves.
WRITTEN BY : Rifka Wahyuningtyas (23) Widya Untari (30) CLASS : IX B
How To Make PHOTO MUG Main supplies : A Mug A paper towel 20 gauge plastic coated wire Styrofoam Plastic serrated knife Photos,cards,etc. Pony Beads Permanent markers
Basic supplies : Scissors Pencil Wire cutter Glue Cutting
Instructions : Wipe the mug with a paper towel. Draw desired design with the markers. Wait for 10 minutes to let it dry. Place the styrofoam in the mug. Cover the top with the pony beads. Use a little glue to secure the pony beads in place. Cut pieces of wire from 6-18 inches long. Wrap wire around your finger 3 times. Remove from finger. Insert it to the styrofoam in the mug. Repeat with 5-7 additional wires to make a bouquet in the mug. Vary the height of the wires. Insert photos,cards,etc. in wire holders.
Thanks for your attention. That’s all our presentation about procedure text. Forgive us for the mistakes we made. Thanks for your attention.