Preventing Venous Thromboembolism Participating Hospital Survey
Why did we do the survey? Consortium baseline of VTE prophylaxis in medicine patients Data abstraction logistics EMR v. Paper CPOE Ability to Filter Billing Data Access Requirements/Contacts for audit process Request site-specific documents related to VTE risk assessment
Response Survey distributed to 13 sites on 6/28 12 sites responded 1 site unsure of ongoing participation 5 additional sites received survey on 7/19 2 sites responded Expect response from 3 remaining
VTE Assessment & Guidelines 93% “have a specific process for assessing VTE risk, on admission, in medical inpatients” 93% “have a protocol or guideline for pharmacological VTE prophylaxis” 77% Generalized to All Patients 23% Medicine Patients and Surgical Patients 86% “have a protocol or guideline for mechanical VTE prophylaxis” 75% Generalized to All Patients 17% Medicine Patients and Surgical Patients 8% Medicine Patients 50% have VTE Committee in place currently
VTE Pharmacological Prophylaxis
Pharmacological Prophylaxis (cont.) Warfarin? 71% of sites reported warfarin use Responding for non-medicine patients?
VTE Mechanical Prophylaxis
Electronic v. Paper 14% all electronic medical record 21% all paper medical record 65% mix of both 36% computerized physician order entry 64% no CPOE
Selection & Sampling Process Eligible Cases = Medicine Admissions Exclusions: Pregnant Under age 18 Admitted for surgery Admitted for palliative care Discharged within 24 hours of admission Admitted to ICU within 24 hours of admission Admitted for and received treatment for presumed VTE VTE in 6 months prior to admission 8-day sampling cycle with 20 eligible cases/cycle i.e. cycle 1 starts Monday, cycle 2 starts Tuesday, etc.
Filtering Process 100% ability to electronically filter Anticipate any problems identifying eligible patients? 100% capable of doing so in a “timely fashion” What does timely mean? How long will the lag be at your site? Will provide sample filtering process Based on process will ask sites to indicate lag time
Use of Billing Data 77% access to billing data for abstractor 23% no access Universal Billing Statement (UB-04) 3 – 30 days to produce Average = 9.5 days How should billing data be used?
Questions . . . About Completed Survey? That should have been asked?