Role of the Internal Verifier Welcome to this programme in which we look at the role of the Internal Verifier in your SQA programme. The Internal Verifier plays a crucial role in the planning, delivery and assessment of the HND programme. The Internal Verifier should be involved at all stages of planning and robust internal verification and appropriate recording of internal verification activity helps successful external verification.
Internal Verification and Standardisation – Benefits and Values What is the role of internal verification? The process The functions of internal verification Benefits and values of internal verification Prior verification processes In this programme you will look at the role of internal verification – what does internal verification do? Why is internal verification important. We will also look at the internal verification process – how internal verification is carried out in your Centre and the functions – what steps are taken to ensure robust internal verification. The programme will also look at the benefits and values of internal verification – how it can help you, your assessors and your students.
The content of this programme is based on SQA’s Guide to Internal Verification. A copy of this document can be found on the SQA China website, together with an Internal Verification toolkit which provides guidance on all aspects of internal verification.
What do you know already about Internal Verification? Quiz What do you know already about Internal Verification? First of all, let’s start by testing what you already know about internal verification. You should split into twos or threes. You should decide whether the following statements are all either TRUE or FALSE.
Duties of an Internal Verifier In your groups, decide whether the following statements are true or false An Internal Verifier is appointed because he/she is a subject specialist The Internal Verifier assesses the work of candidates TRUE Each statement will appear on a mouse click. The next mouse click will provide the answer. The reasons for the answers are as follows: 1 An Internal Verifier is appointed because he/she is a subject specialist. TRUE Subject expertise is crucial for maintaining credibility. For this reason IVs are expected to keep up to date with developments and changes to practice in their subject area. 2 The Internal Verifier assesses the work of candidates. IVs are there to confirm that the assessor’s assessment decisions are valid and reliable and meet the National Standards. IVs are not there to mark or grade assessments. All assessment decisions should have been made prior to the IV activity. TRUE
The Internal Verifier does not meet candidates The Internal Verifier can change the assessor’s assessment decisions The Internal Verifier is responsible for carrying out internal standardisation TRUE TRUE TRUE 3 The Internal Verifier does not meet candidates. TRUE It is not a requirement that an IV meets with candidates although it can be useful in some cases where assessment decisions are not clear. 4 The Internal Verifier cannot change the assessor’s assessment decisions. FALSE The internal verification process is there to challenge the assessors assessment decisions and can result in candidates results being changed. This can be an indication of effective internal verification. 5 The Internal Verifier is responsible for carrying out internal standardisation. It is the IVs responsibility to carry out the Centre’s quality assurance systems and IV policy which should include standardisation.
The Internal Verifier has a responsibility to report on resources 6 The Internal Verifier is required to sample evidence covering all assessors, all sites and all class groups The Internal Verifier has a responsibility to report on resources The Internal Verifier is responsible for checking the reliability, validity and practicability of an assessment FALSE TRUE 6 The Internal Verifier has a responsibility to report on resources TRUE Although resources are considered at the Systems approval stage, the IV has a responsibility to monitor resources on an ongoing basis. Increases in student numbers, changes to staff and in equipment levels can all impact on student achievement. 7 The Internal Verifier is required to sample all evidence covering all assessors, all sites and all class groups FALSE The evidence for all assessors, all sites and all class groups should be made available for the IV to sample. However the IV will choose which evidence they wish to see but the evidence should be made available for sampling. 8 The Internal Verifier is responsible for checking the reliability, validity and practicability of an assessment This is part of the pre-delivery IV process to ensure that the assessment instrument meets the evidence requirements of the US and is reliable, valid and practicable. TRUE
9 The Internal Verifier is not required to meet the External Verifier during EV visits 10 The Internal Verifier should create a sampling plan when completing Internal Verification TRUE TRUE 9 The Internal Verifier is not required to meet the External Verifier during EV visits. TRUE It is not a requirement that the IV meet with the EV during EV visits, however, it is highly recommended that they make themselves available. 10 The Internal Verifier should create a sampling plan when completing Internal Verification. The IV should create a sampling plan covering all assessors and all class groups for the unit being IVd.
The Process Internal verification aims to ensure that: All assessments are valid, reliable, practicable, equitable and fair Assessors apply the standards of assessment uniformly and consistently National standards have been correctly identified and applied The process of internal verification is there to ensure that: All assessments are valid, reliable, practicable, equitable and fair – the assessments meet the knowledge and skills and evidence requirements in the unit specification. Assessors apply the standards of assessment uniformly and consistently – all candidates assessed by all assessors are assessed consistently and fairly. National standards have been correctly identified and applied – the standards of the qualification are upheld – candidates worldwide have achieved the same national standards.
Internal verification involves: Pre delivery, during delivery and post delivery checks Good internal verification includes discussion and the recording of discussion and decisions Internal verifier must have subject knowledge Internal verification involves: Pre delivery, during delivery and post delivery checks. Good internal verification includes discussion and the recording of discussion and decisions. Internal verifier must have subject knowledge.
The functions and benefits of internal verification Supporting assessors Checking assessment instruments to ensure validity Arranging standardisation exercises Sampling assessment decisions Maintaining assessment and verification records For this activity, think on the functions of internal verification. What is the purpose of internal verification. You could have thought of the following: Supporting assessors Checking assessment instruments to ensure validity Arranging standardisation exercises Sampling assessment decisions Maintaining assessment and verification records
Stages of Internal Verification Pre-delivery During Delivery Post-delivery There are 3 main stages to internal verification. Internal Verification should be happening Pre-delivery During delivery Post delivery
Pre-delivery To Do List Obtain up to date Unit Specification Obtain up to date Assessment Support Pack (ASP) Check Assessment Support Pack is up to date Amend ASP and/or solution Arrange prior verification Check resources Check if alternative ASP available Arrange standardisation meetings Action points from EV reports For this activity, you should think on pre delivery verification. What items should be on your “to do” list. It is important that all decisions and discussions are recorded in full on internal verification and standardisation records. You should check that your Internal Verification reports include these items. Very often IV records include “tick boxes”.
During delivery To Do List Sample outcomes to ensure standardisation Discuss discrepancies with assessors Agree actions For this activity you should think what should be on your During delivery To do list. It is important that all decisions are recorded for External Verification purposes.
Sampling You should consider a risk-based approach to sampling which takes account of factors such as: new or inexperienced assessors and internal verifiers new or revised qualifications revised assessment instruments previous quality assurance reports methods of assessment assessment location You should consider a risk-based approach to sampling which takes account of factors such as: new or inexperienced assessors and internal verifiers new or revised qualifications revised assessment instruments previous quality assurance reports methods of assessment assessment location You should also take into account your centre’s verification processes and policies.
Post delivery To Do List Sample all outcomes Discuss with assessors Agree actions For this activity you should think what should be on your post delivery To do list. It is important that all decisions are recorded for External Verification purposes.
Post Delivery Documentation minutes of assessor/internal verifier meetings records of standardisation records of sampling activity schedules of internal verification activities documented feedback to assessors review records There will be post delivery documentation produced for each unit. minutes of assessor/internal verifier meetings records of standardisation records of sampling activity schedules of internal verification activities documented feedback to assessors review records This list is not exhaustive and for other suggestions you can refer to the internal verification toolkit.
Roles and Responsibilities Internal Verifier Knowledge and understanding of unit specifications and related assessment material Support and development of assessors Standardisation Sampling assessment decisions Maintaining verification records Ensure actions followed The internal verifier has certain roles and responsibilities. These can be described as follows: Knowledge and understanding of unit specifications and related assessment material : All assessment instruments (including those devised by SQA) must be checked to ensure their validity before being taken by students. The internal verifier must ensure that all assessors have a common understanding of the standards requirement. Meetings between assessors to discuss the planned assessment will help to minimise any differences in interpretation Support Assessors: The internal verifier should have a developmental role for less experienced assessors by offering advice and guidance. This support should be ongoing throughout the qualification and not be left until it is too late Standardisation: Arranging standardisation exercises Standardisation exercises identify discrepancies between assessors Sampling Assessment decisions: The internal verifier should select a sample of candidate evidence to check that each assessor is making consistent decisions in line with national standards. Sampling should be ongoing through the assessment process, not end-loaded Maintaining verification records: All assessment records leading to SQA certification must be signed by the internal verifier Records that are kept will include Validated assessment material Reports of any meetings, including standardisation exercises Records of observation of assessment Checklists/marking schemes Student records
Prior Verification All assessment instruments should have an alternative assessment This may mean that you, as a Centre, write these yourself Must be sent for prior verification before use with students It is important that all assessment instruments have an alternative assessment. SQA provide one assessment for all units. But this means you as a centre may have to write the alternative yourself.
Role of the EV in Prior Verification EV vets the assessment exemplar written by Centre Completes a form and returns it with assessment to Centre, via SQA When a centre write an assessment it is vetted by an EV for suitability.
Role of the IV in Prior Verification Important role for IV Should act as External Verifier As an internal verifier you role in prior verification is to act as the external verifier. That is you should ask yourself the same questions that the external verifier will ask of the assessment instrument. This should be done prior to the instrument being sent to the SQA.
Workshop Objectives By the end of the session you should be able to: Understand the need for effective Internal Verification Understand how IV can be a development tool for assessors Be aware of pitfalls during prior verification