A walk on the wild side Reception Summer term Please encourage your child to read each day Reception Summer term Find pictures of somewhere in the world that is different to our environment. Maybe you have been there? Write some clues to describe an animal or place. Can we guess what or where it is? Go to the local library and find a book about an animal or place that is new to you. Key words, reading books, letter formation Talk about the differences with an adult and share with the class. Make a fact sheet or poster about the desert, African savannah, rainforest, woodland, beach or any other environment. Exploring and investigating weather changes and the seasons. How can we stay safe in the sunshine? Communication and Language Phonics, So that’s how it looks. Using our phonic knowledge to write facts sheets and clues about animals and their habitats. Literacy A walk on the wild side Understanding the World Physical Development Practise forming all of your letters correctly, holding a pencil with good control. Where in the world? Talk about holidays and how we might travel to places around the world/ Using large equipment to move like animals over, under and around obstacles. RE Maths Personal, Social and Emotional Development Expressive arts and design Big numbers! Using big numbers in ordering, addition and sorting activities. Prayers and thoughts Are you a cheetah or a sloth? How quickly can you do different activities ? Find a way to time yourself going up and down the stairs, putting on your coat, reading a book etc. Can you predict which will take longer ? Ask questions about Year 1 and listen carefully to the answers. Make a booklet about Red Class to give to someone at pre-school who is coming to our school in September. Make a musical instrument that reflects an ani-mal or environment from around the world. Number names Practise writing number names. How many can you spell? Acting, singing, painting and discussing parables we have learnt. How can we live like Jesus? Red Class shop. What can you buy with your coins? How much change will you get? Learning songs based around animals from our countries and from around the world.. A wild party! Creating costumes, songs and dances for our wild party.