RDG TF Cooperation models – Action Plan Progress report


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Presentation transcript:

RDG TF Cooperation models – Action Plan Progress report ESS RDG meeting, 19 April 2018 Eurostat Unit A1 B. Fernández Nebreda

Overview Brief timeline Implementation – state of play Progress since last RDG On-going actions Discussion/Reporting of RDG actions Let's have a look at what has happened since December 2015, when the TF last reported on progress to the RDG

Background In May 2016, the ESSC took note of the report on cooperation models to support the implementation of the ESS Vision 2020 The ideas on new cooperation forms (pooling of staff and specialisation) found premature Eurostat asked to implement the recommendations made by the Task Force New models of collaboration between NSIs Pooling of staff (focus on human resources) Aim is to make staff of NSIs truly multinational through pooling of HR. To be truly innovative, this pooling should go beyond the secondments in the ESS and beyond the pooling of staff piloted in the CoEs. Experts in a common location in the ESS — though not necessarily Eurostat. Specialisation (focus on processes and/or products). can be perceived as a further advancement of the CoE model and a response to the ESS Vision 2020 plea to explore further ways of sharing human resources. Enhanced specialisation would see one or several ESS countries carrying out work on a limited set of European statistics, or on a defined step in the production chain of European statistics as mentioned in the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM), and the possible advantages and risks of this model. This model, higher level of ESS integration. Appears to be the direction favoured by ESS Vision 2020. A new body would take over a specific process currently performed at each NSI and achieve harmonisation + economies of scale by performing it for several or all NSIs in the ESS. New body would be accountable for output quality of that process. This body would be composed of one or more ESS NSIs that have particularly deep expertise in the particular process.

Brief timeline May 2016 June 2016 Sep 2016 ESSC approves Cooperation models report, to support the ESS Vision 2020 implementation. Eurostat presents roadmap for implementation to RDG meeting. The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC … RDG approves Action plan to implement recommendations. * 23 R and 36 actions

Brief timeline (2) April 2017 April 2018 Dec 2019 1st progress report to RDG 20 actions achieved 5 cancelled 11 on target 2nd progress report Report on 11 remaining actions The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC … Implementation of last action

Implementation status as of today 25 5 3 -------- 36 actions The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC …

Implementation of actions – status (2) 25 actions achieved since Sept 2016 Details in excel file on circabc 3 Eurostat actions on going/on target Last action will end Dec 2019 3 RDG actions: on target and for reporting A 16.2: Compensation schemes - on the agenda A 18.2 and A 24.2: Monitoring in 2018 RDG meeting The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC …

Progress since April 2017 RDG 5 actions achieved: R 9: Develop network/list of contacts in HR, legal and financial domain. A 9.1: List published on circabc (Nov 2017) R 11: Improve CROS portal as an ESS knowledge repository. A 11.1: CROS revamped, including pilot implementation (Dec 2017) The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC …

Progress since April 2017 RDG (2) R 12: Develop common guidelines to disseminate ESSnet results. A 12.1: Guidelines have been user tested, finalised and are on CROS (Jul 2017) R 19: Disseminate ESSnets and CoE results to all ESS. A 19.1: Common guidelines to document ESSnet results developed and in use by project managers (8/2017) … A 19.2: … who ensure dissemination on revamped CROS. The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC …

Ongoing actions R 20: Ensure high performance and availability of ESS network. A 20.1: ESSC regularly informed about progress of ESDEN project. Action to end in Dec 2018. R 21: Develop common ESS approach to data validation. A 21.1: Successful pilots in various domains. Grants support national implementation. Action to end in Dec 2019. The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC …

Ongoing actions (2) R 23: Develop charter on cooperation best practices. A 23.1: Charter drafted by Eurostat. For discussion Put this action on-hold until the direction of Eurostat and its implications on the way we cooperate are clear The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC …

RDG actions For discussion R 16: Consider an ESS compensation scheme system. A 16.2: DE compensation scheme presented today For discussion R 18: Define a clear governance structure for ESSnets and CoE. A 18.1: At European level, a clear governance structure put in place with the "ESS Vision 2020 implementation - roles and responsibilities" doc (Sep 2016) A 18.2: Compliance at national level to be monitored The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC …

RDG actions – for discussion (2) R 24: Monitor alternative EC models for financing statistical activities, ie ERICs & PPPs. A 24.1: Eurostat ppt on ERICs to RDG (April 2017) A 24.2: MS to explore potential at national level The opinion of the ESSC, I quote: "The ESSC …

Thank you for your attention! Questions? ESTAT ESSC DGINS PG <ESTAT-ESSC_DGINS_PG@ec.europa.eu>