English Communication Pre-Intermediate
Instructor: David Connors E-Mail: gimple@hotmail.com Office: 1212 Admin. Office: 1306 Admin. Phone: 032-860-9254
Listening & Speaking Skills Text: Unlock 2 Listening & Speaking Skills
Grading: Homework 5% Quizzes 25% Midterm Exam 25% Final Exam 25% Attendance 10% Participation 10% Homework 5% Quizzes 25% Midterm Exam 25% Final Exam 25%
Grading: A B C, D, F 25% 35% 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Attendance – 10% Absent 8 classes = F 3 times late = -1 Excuses: military 3 times late = -1 Sleeping in class = -1
Please participate in class. Participation – 10% Please participate in class. +1 - asking & answering Qs - staying in English - doing book exercises - watching videos -1 - not doing the above - texting
Quizzes – 25% 4 quizzes Best 3 quizzes will be selected. Multiple choice, matching, T or F, fill in the blank, etc. (no essays) Best 3 quizzes will be selected.
Homework – 5% Online homework: cambridgelms.org Progress + Score (% completion) + (% correct answers)
Midterm Exam – 25% Oral Exam in Week 8
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Exam in Week 15 Final Exam – 25% Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Exam in Week 15
No cell phone chatting. Rules: No sleeping. No cell phone chatting. Please try to use the bathroom before class
Don’t be silent! Practice makes perfect. Rules: Having a drink or snack is OK, but please clean up your trash. Don’t be silent! Practice makes perfect.
Have fun!