VET Delivered in Schools Vocational Education and Training (VET) can give you workplace skills and knowledge at National Standards for a career you are passionate about VET can give you training that is directly connected to employment anywhere in Australia Every year more than 50,000 secondary students across Victoria explore their passion through VET
VET Delivered in Schools VET Strengthens: Students learning potential, gain confidence and independence Broadens VCE/VCAL Options Learn in an adult learning environment Matches students interests & career directions with strong pathways Increases post school opportunities with links to industry Assist in transition from school to work Identify employers expectations in real work environments
VET Delivered in Schools VET offers a flexible pathway to achieve your goals. If your goals change, your pathway can change to The employability skills developed with VET can give you extra flexibility to explore multiple opportunities and interests Employability Skills Communication Teamwork Problem Solving Initiative and Enterprise Planning and Organising Self-Management Learning Technology
VET Delivered in Schools Specialised Knowledge – Gain knowledge through specialised training to understand and perform specific workplace tasks Industry Knowledge – Learn how an industry works, see the bigger picture and learn how to progress your career VET can lead to full time, part time or casual job opportunities More than half of all new jobs projected to be created by 2022 will be achievable with a VET qualification
VET Delivered in Schools VET is an extra nationally recognised qualification studied in-conjunction with a VCE or VCAL program providing credit to both streams VET provides practical skills and knowledge that compliment your VCE studies with vocational training to make you job ready Competency based learning – ‘competent or not yet competent’ in real or simulated workplace environments All VCE VET Programs contribute to VCE units providing credit the same way as a VCE Study
VET Delivered in Schools Some VCE VET courses can be used in the ATAR calculation of the Primary Four (English & the next 3 permissible Yr12 subjects) VET courses with a Units 3 & 4 sequence may contribute up to 10% calculated from the lowest of the primary four e.g. Psychology study score of 25 = 2.5% added to the ATAR as a 5th or 6th permissible subject There are 24 VCE VET programs that incorporate up to 42 different qualifications Most VET programs are completed over two years VET is usually studied on Wednesdays either full day or half day
Cert II in Horticulture VCE VET Program Certificate Study Score Horticulture Cert II in Horticulture x Animal Studies Cert II in Animal Studies Applied Fashion Design & Technology Cert II in Applied Fashion Design & Tech Automotive Cert II in Automotive Vocational Prep Building & Construction Cert II in Building & Construction Pre-app Business Cert II in Business Cert III in Business Cisco Cisco CCNA v6 Community Services Cert III in Community Services Cert III in Early Childhood Education & Care Creative Industries Cert II in Creative Industries Creative & Digital Media Cert III in Screen & Media Dance Cert II in Dance Electrical Cert II in Electrotechnology Studies Engineering Cert II in Engineering Studies Equine Industries Cert II in Equine Studies
Cert II in Furniture Making Pathways VCE VET Program Certificate Study Score Furnishing Cert II in Furniture Making Pathways Hair & Beauty Cert II in Retail Cosmetics Cert II in Salon Assistant Cert III in Beauty Services Cert III in Make-up x Health Cert II in Health Support Services Cert III in Allied Health Assistance x Hospitality Cert II in Hospitality Cert II in Kitchen Operations Information & Communications Technology Cert II in Info, Dig Media & Tech Cert III in Info, Dig Media & Tech Laboratory Skills Cert III in Laboratory Skills Music Industry Cert II in Music Industry Cert III in Music Industry – Performance Cert III in Music Industry – Sound Production Sport & Recreation Cert II in Outdoor Recreation Cert II in Sport & Recreation Cert III in Sport & Recreation
VET Delivered in Schools Structured Workplace Learning: Structured Workplace Learning connects students to the workplace providing industry exposure & experience in the workforce Have the opportunity to complete structured workplace learning. For some VET courses this is a compulsory requirement Real world work enabling you to put your skills to practice Applying industry knowledge to real world situations Experience the industry first hand to see if it is for you Develop employability skills and increasing employment opportunities Reinforcing skill development and a smooth transition between training & work
VET Delivered in Schools How to apply for VET: Select a VET course Complete the VET Expression of Interest Form Apply for a Unique Student Identifier (USI number) Provide a hard copy of the USI number to Pathways with your completed VET Expression of Interest form Pathways will apply on the students behalf Wait for confirmation of VET placement from VSC. Often schools are not advised until October – November Purchase the required uniform, tools or equipment in preparation for VET
Be the change you wish to see in the world… - Mahatma Gandhi