One place for all your careers information.


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Presentation transcript:

One place for all your careers information. Y11: Your Career is NOW! Your post 16 options Introduction slide: This session is all about helping you know more about your post 16 options and deciding what is best for you.

You have won the lottery! The prize is….

A holiday in one of these places Barbados Which one will you choose? Australia South Africa Belgium Vote on which one they want as their prize England

Just found out more detail… Which place do you want to go now? Explore ALL the information before you decide Barbados Packing bananas Australia Sheep-shearing South Africa Cleaning toilets Which place do you want to go now? Belgium Testing chocolate Knowing the detail can make all the difference and that’s the same with choosing your career options, you need to know the detail, not just ‘I am going to go to college/sixth form’ but which course, where will it take you, etc. England Glastonbury tickets

What does the future look like for you? 10 jobs by the time you are 42! Lots of jobs are changing or disappearing, an example is libraries, which has changed a lot over the last 10 years or postal services where most people send messages now rather than letters. Lots of new jobs are coming on board particularly linked to tech or the environment. Important for young people to keep up with what is happening and how things are changing.

So what do students need to do? One place for all your careers information. So what do students need to do? What are all the options? Use this process when making careers decisions To make good career decisions young people need to: Know what drives them, their values and passions, know their skills, grades. Do stuff, like work experience, voluntary work, clubs, sports, etc. to build up their CV and compete Know their options – the details, not just I am going to stay in the 6th form but what subjects, why, where will they take you? Use your support, from family, friends, teachers, information courses, etc,.

One place to find all careers information for What is it? One place to find all careers information for Y7 – Y13 You can change your plans in Career Tools Loads of information and career tools. Your report moves up with you every year

One place for all your careers information. We haven’t got much time for you to do this section today but in your own time you can go to and do the ‘Start with you’ activities to find out your skills, where a subject will take you. One thing it would be good to do is the ‘Plan your qualifications’ ladder, add the quals you are thinking of doing and in My Quals add your predicted grades.

One place for all your careers information. Volunteering Work experience Cadets 1. GCSEs First aid Don’t drop them! Great for your CV Sports Yes your number 1 priority needs to be your GCSE but don’t give up anything that will be useful for a future job/course/CV.

One place for all your careers information. Today Today focused on your options.

Choosing options: what to think about One place for all your careers information. Choosing options: what to think about What grades are you likely to get at GCSE (esp. English and maths? How do you like to learn e.g. by doing, by studying? Some people start with what they want to do in the future (course/job) and look at what they need to do to get there. Some people start with a subject they like and focus in later. What you need to think about There are lots of ways of getting to the same future job.

One place for all your careers information. Pathways A levels General: BTEC/OCR Apprenticeships At 16 Academic Vocational Work-based Mostly in school, Sixth Forms and some colleges. Mostly in colleges but offered in some schools and can be done alongside A Levels Done an an employers premises with some time at a college or similar . Get paid. Need to have enjoyed your GCSE subject, like independent study, be able to get your homework done. Need to have an idea of a job area you are interested in. Need to know this is the job area you want to work in as you are being trained to do this job. Can they name the qualifications that are in each pathway? Run through the key info about each. Exam assessment at the end of two years Course work, some final assessment and work placement Learning through doing the job, some time learning at a college or similar, some written assessment.

One place for all your careers information. Academic Vocational Work-based Degree Achieved Degree Year 2 HND Foundation Degree Y2 Higher Apprenticeship Degree Year 1 HNC Foundation Degree Y1 Higher Apprenticeship A levels BTEC/OCR Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship Explain that there are three pathways but in all pathways there are levels of quals. Level 2 is getting 5 GCSEs grade 4-1. Show them the other levels and make the point that all pathways can lead to a degree. The bit of the qualification ladder we are mainly talking about today is their choices after GCSEs GCSEs 1 - 3 5 x GCSEs 4 - 9 BTEC/OCR Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship

Lucy is a nurse Leon is a nurse Degree Achieved GCSEs 4 - 9 BTEC/OCR Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship A levels BTEC/OCR Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship Degree Year 1 HNC Foundation Degree Y1 Higher Apprenticeship Degree Year 2 HND Foundation Degree Y2 Academic Vocational Work-based Degree Achieved There are many ways to achieve the same careers (although for some there are very set routes, like doctor, vet, etc. so they need to check) Both Lucy and Leon are nurses Lucy did a BTEC in health and Social Care after GCSEs and then did a degree. Leon did A levels and then started work in a hospital as a porter. He was offered a health care apprenticeship and achieved his degree through this route. A common pathway into nursing and paramedic is through working in a hospital and then being given the opportunity for further training.

One place for all your careers information. Getting into the detail Quiz time! Log on to Careerpilot: and then sign in In pairs: answers the questions on the sheet using Careerpilot (NO Google searches!) The quiz is also available as a Word file if you want to give copies to students. Best is they work in pairs. They need about 10 minutes.

One place for all your careers information. The quiz questions

One place for all your careers information. Vocational Colleges offer lots of vocational courses at lots of levels. Schools offer some too. Most colleges don’t offer GCSE resits (apart from English and maths) or A Levels. For Level 3 Business & Admin: Entry levels can vary but usually 4 GCSEs at 4+ or Level 2 BTEC. Answers: Colleges offer lots of vocational courses, some offered quite specialist courses like boat building, agriculture. Most do not offer GCSE resits, GCSEs or A Levels. However, in some areas of the South of England schools do not have 6th Forms and colleges are the providers for A levels (you might want to adapt this slide to suit your area). All colleges offer support for students who do not get Grade 4 or above in maths and English at GCSE.

One place for all your careers information. A Levels How many subjects do students usually take? What grade do you usually need in your GCSE to be able to do a subject at A Level?   Can you do an apprenticeship after A Levels? If you leave after one year of A Levels what qualifications will you have?  3 or 4 Usually a 6 in the subject you want to do and English and maths at 4+ but you need to check. Yes, but sometimes you have to go sideways to Level 2 or 3 (even though A levels are Level 3) because you might not have the right experience If you have passed an AS you will have that, but if you leave half way through your A Levels you will not have any qualifications apart from GCSEs Answers

One place for all your careers information. Apprenticeships £144.30 per week (but some employers pay more) Answers

One place for all your careers information. Now it is about YOU This is the section we will be focusing on today. Use any of these sections to help you get an idea of the options and to help you think about what you will do after Y11 and in to the future. The activity you should start with is Choices at 16, look at the detail and ‘bookmark’ any you are thinking of.

In every section ‘tag’ what you like One place for all your careers information. In every section ‘tag’ what you like And your choices will be saved in the Career Tools Add things you like as you go and they will be saved in the Career Tools. Look at your report.

One place for all your careers information. 2. Review quals. 4. Explore other options . 1. Register on Careerpilot 3. Explore Choices at 16 5. Review Career Tools In summary today you will be …

One place for all your careers information. Parents/family Teachers Careers advisers Who/what else? Careerpilot When they are back as a group. Talk about supporters and see if they can suggest any others. Tell them the name of the school careers adviser.

One place for all your careers information. Pathways Academic Vocational Work-based A levels General: BTEC/OCR Apprenticeships Ask what is their number 1 and number 2 choice with a show of hands.

They could, in their own time go back to Careerpilot and do any other activities, including setting an action point of something they could be doing to help them plan for the end of Y11.

Report moves up each year A slide to show the report that is created once the career tools have been completed – moves up with them each year in school Report moves up each year

Reference to Parent Zone so parents can use the site & have questions answered

Keep using Careerpilot, bookmarking and reviewing your choices REMEMBER YOUR PASSWORD! Keep using Careerpilot, bookmarking and reviewing your choices Tips to using Careerpilot Careerpilot can help you until you are 21