New Parent Orientation Band & Orchestra New Parent Orientation
Classroom Materials
Required Materials Family Responsibility Items – these are instrument specific supplies Items Purchased with Band Fee – general supplies Band and Orchestra – $85 Band Only - $75 Orchestra Only $65 Includes: All required books Performance Polo Shirt Tuner and Metronome with Pickup Rehearsal materials
Instrument The instrument needs to be in good working mechanical order. Most parents rent instruments from a local music store. Purchasing is an excellent alternative to renting. If you decide to purchase, please consult Mr. Grogan, Mr. Rikard, or Mr. Burroughs For more information, please visit our website at
Instrument (Cont.) When shopping for an instrument, two rules of thumb: If the instrument is a color other than silver, black, or gold, STAY AWAY! If it is a brand other than the ones listed below, please consult with us:
Private Lessons We encourage all students to take private lessons from an accomplished musician. Doing this allows the student to maximize your investment. For more information, visit the website or pick up a Private Lessons Letter from the band office.
Technology & Social Media Website: Email: Facebook: Follow Barber Middle School Band Subscribe to Remind 101 for Barber Music News (Instructions on next slide).
Band Website Please visit for all of your band- related questions and/or concerns.
Remind 101 @bmsbands Text @bmsbands to 81010 For the Barber Band organization updates @bmsbands Text @bmsbands to 81010 For 6th grade band updates
The Band Dojo
Band Dojo (Cont.) Performance Assessments and the Dojo are an integral part of the band curriculum at Barber. Playing tests are outlined on the band calendar (accessible from the Barber Band Website). All tests can be made up for full credit as long as they are completed before the end of the semester. Partial credit will be given even if the test is attempted. Students are expected to make up failing grades.
Band Dojo (Cont.) All playing tests will be done on Fridays in class. If the student does not want to perform the test in front of the class (or needs to make up a test), then he or she has two options: Perform the test for the band directors outside of school hours Submit a video recording to Mr. Grogan. Submit a video by clicking the pink “Rec” button below (PREFERRED!) Record a video with you electronic device and submit it to Mr. Grogan at
6th Grade Band Carnival Save the DATE!!! September 7th at Allatoona HS