Public Information Strategies 2011 NASCSP Annual Meeting Kimberly Cameron, Senior Weatherization Program Manager September 23, 2011
Weatherization Assistance Program Communication Efforts
ARRA Communications Plan Funding Jumped from $2.9 million to $124.7 million Capacity Issue Concerns Media Training at ARRA Kick-Off Meeting Review Sub-grantees Press Releases Monthly Conference Calls to communicate to everyone at one time Cooperate with Reporters Press Release on every milestone reached, goal accomplished, or change
ARRA Communications Plan Weatherization Program Staff worked with Public Relations Officer Added a positive message, even if the story was negative (Reallocation) Continually “Toot Our Own Horn”
WAP Public Relations Strategy GEFA communicates messages and announcements regarding our WAP through both traditional and social media efforts Press releases, opinion pieces, marketing materials Proactive media outreach Utilizing the GEFA website, and social media outlets Helping our network service providers and partners in their communication efforts Remaining conscious of local issues Media Outreach: Focusing on local publication and broadcast outlets GEFA has a presence on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Flickr and Wikipedia We provide information and assistance to our partners and network service providers
10,000th Home Announcement GEFA’s WAP weatherized its 10,000th home July 2011 GEFA worked with our partner Southface to develop video on Georgia’s WAP A press release accompanied the video distribution We used social media tools and the GEFA and Southface websites to distribute the story A guest column by GEFA’s Executive Director Kevin Clark was pitched to local papers Social media tools: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube We pitched local papers where our top performing service providers were located and major publications such as the Atlanta Business Chronicle
10,000th Home Announcement accomplishments Video received more than 250 views in less than one month on YouTube Key publications such as Southeast Green covered the story Guest column appeared on a blog in the Atlanta Business Chronicle
10,000th Home YouTube Video
Senior Weatherization Program Manager Kim Cameron Senior Weatherization Program Manager 404-584-1107 233 Peachtree St., NE Harris Tower, Suite 900 Atlanta, Georgia 30303