2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Projects Categories Entry Template. Complete the Slide(s) for the Project Category for which you would like your project considered. One PowerPoint per entry. POWERPOINT file(s) must not exceed 10 MB. Slide 1: Instructions – Delete this slide for final submittal Slide 2: Instructions – Delete this slide for final submittal Slide 3: Sustainable Patron – Design Narrative Slide 4: Sustainable Patron – Image Template Slide 5: Sustainable Company/Organization/NGO – Design Narrative Slide 6: Sustainable Company/Organization/NGO – Image Template Slide 7: Sustainable LEED BD+C – Confidential Project Information Slide 8: Sustainable LEED BD+C – Design Narrative Slide 9: Sustainable LEED BD+C – Image Template Slide 10: Sustainable LEED ID+C – Confidential Project Information Slide 11: Sustainable LEED ID+C – Design Narrative Slide 12: Sustainable LEED ID+C – Image Template Slide 13: Sustainable LEED O&M – Confidential Project Information Slide 14: Sustainable LEED O&M – Design Narrative Slide 15: Sustainable LEED O&M – Image Template Slide 16: Sustainable LEED Homes – Confidential Project Information Slide 17: Sustainable LEED Homes – Design Narrative Slide 18: Sustainable LEED Homes – Image Template Slide 19: Sustainable LEED Neighborhood Develop – Confidential Project Information Slide 20: Sustainable LEED Neighborhood Develop – Design Narrative Slide 21: Sustainable LEED Neighborhood Develop – Image Template PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS: Provide 7-15 image slides – NOT including the Project Information and Design Narrative slides. DO NOT use slide transitions or animations in your submittal. Provide Photo Release form (see supplemental form for details). Slide 22: Sustainable WELL – Confidential Project Information Slide 23: Sustainable WELL– Design Narrative Slide 24: Sustainable WELL– Image Template Slide 25: Sustainable LBC or LBC Petal – Confidential Project Information Slide 26: Sustainable LBC or LBC Petal – Design Narrative Slide 27: Sustainable LBC or LBC Petal – Image Template Slide 28: Sustainable Sites/Other – Confidential Project Information Slide 29: Sustainable Sites/Other – Design Narrative Slide 30: Sustainable Sites/Other – Image Template Slide 31: Sustainable Zero Net Energy – Confidential Project Information Slide 32: Sustainable Zero Net Energy – Design Narrative Slide 33: Sustainable Zero Net Energy – Image Template Slide 34: Sustainable Zero Net Water – Confidential Project Information Slide 35: Sustainable Zero Net Water – Design Narrative Slide 36: Sustainable Zero Net Water – Image Template Slide 37: Sustainable Zero Net Waste – Confidential Project Information Slide 38: Sustainable Zero Net Waste – Design Narrative Slide 39: Sustainable Zero Net Waste – Image Template Slide 40: Sustainable Metrics & Research – Confidential Project Information Slide 41: Sustainable Metrics & Research – Design Narrative Slide 42: Sustainable Metrics & Research – Image Template Remove this slide before submitting HOW TO SUBMIT ONLINE: When you have completed your entry, email all the entry materials to: SDGBC office email: info@sd-gbc.org. Once you have attached all entry materials for the project, click on “SEND.” You will receive an email confirmation (within a day) that your file has been received. Questions? Contact the SDGBC office at info@sd-gbc.org.
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Eligibility (Leadership) Any individual or organization in San Diego County or Tijuana, may be submitted. Anyone can submit an individual or organization for an award. People or organizations previously awarded a similar SDGBC award are not eligible for re-entry. Eligibility (Projects) Any project in San Diego County or Tijuana, may be submitted. Anyone, including architects, landscape architects, engineers, clients, or owners, can submit a project. Projects previously awarded a similar SDGBC award are not eligible for re-entry. Projects can submit in multiple award categories. Separate applications shall be completed for each category. Entries must be completed (design or construction) since January 1, 2013. Additional Details Winning entries are public information, and summaries of winning applications will be published. Awards will be given at the sole discretion of the judges. Nominations in a category do not automatically mean that an award will be given in that category. Judging criteria is based upon meeting the intent of the submitted category, exhibiting a transformation in the built environment and exemplifying innovation, creativity and good design. Submission Instructions All projects shall be submitted electronically in the PowerPoint template. Each submission shall include: Completed Awards Project Credit Form and Project Information Sheet. The forms and supplementary instructions will be available via email from SDGBC. Remove this slide before submitting
250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Sustainable Patron Narrative 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Patron Name: Address: Fill in Here Phone: Email: Submitters Name: Phone, Email: 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Patron #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable Patron Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. The Patron Award recognizes an individual whose vision, leadership and commitment have been fundamental to the evolution of our green building industry. Submissions will require 2-15 slides/pages attesting to the ways the nominee contributed to great sustainable design in San Diego County. There is no charge to submit a nominee for this award. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Patron #(SDGBC use only)
250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Sustainable Company/Organization/NGO Narrative 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Organization Name: Address: Fill in Here Phone: Email: Submitters Name: Phone, Email: 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Organization #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable Company / Organization / NGO Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. The Company/Organization/Non-Government Organization Award recognizes a firm or organization whose vision, leadership and commitment have been fundamental to the evolution of our green building industry. Submissions will require 2-15 slides/pages attesting to the ways the nominee contributed to great sustainable design in San Diego County. There is no charge to submit a nominee for this award. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Organization #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: Check a box below: Registered (unbuilt) Registered (built) Certified (built) 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED BD+C #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable LEED BD+C Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in registered (unbuilt), registered (built) or certified (built) LEED BD+C projects. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, including drawings of a site plan, floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 exterior and 2 interior images, and information supporting the registration or certification. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED BD+C #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: Check a box below: Registered (unbuilt) Registered (built) Certified (built) 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED ID+C #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable LEED ID+C Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in registered (unbuilt), registered (built) or certified (built) LEED ID+C projects. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, including drawings of a floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 interior images, and information supporting the registration or certification. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED ID+C #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf)Fill in Here ill in Here Completion Date: 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED O&M #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable LEED O&M Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in registered or certified LEED O+M projects. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, that adequately represent the project including drawings of a floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 exterior and 2 interior images, and information supporting the registration or certification. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED O&M #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: Check a box below: Registered (unbuilt) Registered (built) Certified (built) 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED Homes #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable LEED Homes Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in registered (unbuilt), registered (built) or certified (built) LEED Homes projects. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, including drawings of a site plan, floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 exterior and 2 interior images, and information supporting the registration or certification. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED Homes #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Completion Date: 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED Neighborhoods #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable LEED Neighborhood Development or Eco-District Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in registered or certified LEED Neighborhood Development or Eco-District projects. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, that adequately represent the development, including drawings of a site plan, and information supporting the registration or certification. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LEED Neighborhoods #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: Check a box below: Registered (unbuilt) Registered (built) Certified (built) 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards WELL #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable WELL Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in registered (unbuilt), registered (built) or certified (built) WELL projects. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, including drawings of a site plan, floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 exterior and 2 interior images, and information supporting the registration or certification. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards WELL #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: Check a box below: Registered (unbuilt) Registered (built) Certified (built) 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LBC #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable LBC or LBC Petal Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in registered (unbuilt), registered (built) or certified (built) LBC projects. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, including drawings of a site plan, floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 exterior and 2 interior images, and information supporting the registration or certification. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards LBC #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building / Site Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: Check a box below: Registered (unbuilt) Registered (built) Certified (built) 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Sites/Other #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable Sites Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in registered (unbuilt), registered (built) or certified (built) Sustainable Sites projects. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, that adequately represent the project, including drawings of a site plan, a minimum of 2 exterior images, and information supporting the registration or certification. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Sites/Other #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: Check a box below: Design / Construction Completed 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards ZNE#(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable Zero Net Energy Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in projects pursuing ZNE. The jury will evaluate design/construction phase projects and completed projects separately. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, that adequately represent the project, including drawings of a site plan, floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 exterior and 2 interior images, and information supporting the ZNE criteria. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards ZNE #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: Check a box below: Design / Construction Completed 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards ZNWater #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable Zero Net Water Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in projects pursuing ZNWater. The jury will evaluate design/construction phase projects and completed projects separately. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, that adequately represent the project, including drawings of a site plan, floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 exterior and 2 interior images, and information supporting the ZNWater criteria. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards ZNWater #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: Check a box below: Design / Construction Completed 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards ZNWaste #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable Zero Net Waste Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in projects pursuing ZNWaste. The jury will evaluate design/construction phase projects and completed projects separately. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, that adequately represent the project, including drawings of a site plan, floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 exterior and 2 interior images, and information supporting the ZNWaste criteria. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards ZNWaste #(SDGBC use only)
Project Narrative 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FIRM, CONSULTANT, BUILDER, ETC. INFORMATION ON THIS SLIDE. 250-word maximum. Please be clear and concise. Describe the basic program requirements, special site problems and how the design process and solution satisfies these. Please also state any technical, environmental or social advancements regarding your project. Provide information below (as applicable): Project Name: Type of Project: Fill in Here Location: Building Area: (sf) Construction Cost: Cost per square foot: Completion Date: 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Metrics #(SDGBC use only)
2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Category: Sustainable Metrics & Research Award This slide is a template for all image slides. Please delete this text box, copy and paste this slide to accommodate your presentation and insert your images. This category recognizes distinguished achievement and quality design in the use of metrics and research to inform sustainable design. Projects shall be completed. Submissions will require 7-15 slides/pages, that adequately represent the project, including drawings of a site plan, floor plan(s), a minimum of 2 exterior and 2 interior images, and information supporting the metrics and research criteria. 2019 SDGBC Sustainable Design Awards Metrics #(SDGBC use only)