Cactus Shadows Curriculum Night 2019-2020 IB/AP Economics
Welcome Jonathan Naylor (480)- 575-2469 te/Default.aspx?PageID=88 40 Grand Canyon University, M.A. Curriculum and Instruction: Technology Rio Salado College, Post- Degree Online Secondary Teacher Certification Program Northern Arizona University, B.S. American Political Studies Welcome
Arizona Department of Education Teacher Certificate: Standard CTE Business & Marketing, K-12 Standard Professional Secondary, 6-12 in the approved areas of Middle Grade Social Studies, Political Science/Government, Structured English Immersion Substitute, PreK-12 Welcome
Check Google Classroom and my teacher website for updates Check Infinite Campus regularly Weekly missing/failed assignments email Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences Communication
Economics is a social science, which is a study of people in society and how they interact with each other. It is the study of how scarce resources are allocated to fulfill the infinite wants of consumers. Content
Posted on my website under Classroom Documents and in Google Classroom. Syllabus
Respectful – One person speaks at a time; Feelings of other classmates; Personal property of other classmates. Responsible – Electronics off and out of sight; Treat computers better than you would want to be treated; Clean up trash; Food or drink not permitted, except water. Safe – Wear ID badge daily; Remain in seat; Dismissal by Mr. Naylor, not the bell. Attitude – Ready to learn; Participate; Always try your best; Go above and beyond Classroom Routines
Academic Expectations My goal for my classroom is to make it an engaging, safe, and fun learning environment in which students can learn in. I hold high expectations for all my students. Academic Expectations
Most of the work is completed in class Most of the work is completed in class. Students are notified if there is homework the day in class. They are to check Google Classroom. Practice for Mastery Homework Policy
Given after a chapter or unit Given after a chapter or unit. Sometimes, quizzes will be given in between. Students are notified well in advance, so they are given time to prepare. IB and AP test dates will be announced soon. Assessments
20% for Homework/Classwork 40% for Tests/Quizzes 20% for Activities/Projects/ Presentations. 20% for Final Grades will be updated weekly, usually by Wednesday or Thursday. Grading
Attendance Be on time Be there EVERYDAY Be Prepared 5 absences- parent notification 8 absences- warning notice 13 absences- loss of credit Attendance
Student Support Office Hours- Tuesday and Thursday – 2:05 to 3:00pm Free Tutoring- Library Free Tutoring- NHS Student Support
TIPS FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Check IC regularly for grades and assignments Check homework for completion Ask about school Communicate with teachers and counselors IC app for your cellphone! TIPS FOR STUDENT SUCCESS
Tips for Student Success High School students need the same follow-thru, time and attention that an elementary student needs. Parents with high expectations have students who succeed. Tips for Student Success
Parents Make the Difference in Student Success! Let us know how we can help to support your student and family meet their goals.