Biology and Microbiology Cardinal Meyer Library Marian University 920-923-8096
To find information on hospital acquired infections: The Centers of Disease Control The CDC lists types of hospital acquired infections, and provides statistics, data, laboratory resources, maps and reporting of outbreaks, and best practices for treatment and prevention. Also includes traveler’s health, emergency preparedness and more!
National Library of Medicine: Includes: Drug databases Toxic chemicals database PubMed (database of medical literature) Medical encyclopedias and information on disease and health Clinical Trials Medical and health statitstics Laboratory tests information Patient information and health videos
National Library of medicine
Types of medical literature: Case report: reports the case of an individual patient with a unique illness or treatment Clinical trial: an experiment or research study with many patients that tests an hypothesis on the etiology, treatment or prevention of a disease or health problem Meta-analysis: combines the data from many clinical trials and uses statistics to find significant results that can only be discovered with a larger population Review: an article written by an expert summarizing the knowledge and research to date on a topic
Scientific terms find better results Scientific terms find better results. Brainstorm on all words related to the topic. Use full names as well as abbreviations: MRSA OR “Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus” Gastroenteritis for stomach flu Nosocomial OR “hospital acquired”
SabreSearch searches almost all library databases, videos, books and ebooks simultaneously. This is especially useful for finding background information on a topic.
Results include sources world-wide—not just at Marian--including print and ebooks.
To only see Marian sources, to get only books, to format for a bibliography—cite, to get a permalink to find it again, to email results, to save the information. To read an eBook:
To read online, click on Table of Contents and choose where to begin To read online, click on Table of Contents and choose where to begin. Also can print/email/ or save as a PDF up to 100 pages.
The eBooks can be read entirely online:
Click on Advanced Search to look for more words or narrow down by additional concepts:
Search Commands—can type or use dropdown arrows to specify OR – for synonyms, acronyms or similar concepts. Finds more results: hospital acquired OR nosocomial AND – to narrow down results MRSA AND prevention Phrase searching – enclose in quotation marks “” “Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus” NOT – get rid of some results To find all terms that begin with these letters: * therap* finds therapy, therapies, therapist, therapeutic…
To find MRSA OR "Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus“ only if the results also discuss treatment, therapy, therapeutics or therapies:
If an item is checked out, click HOLD If an item is checked out, click HOLD. To request from another library, click Interlibrary loan. Books are sent, articles are emailed.
To search only particular databases, especially for finding scholarly articles:
Marian Databases. Academic Search is a general articles database that covers most topics.
Use OR and AND boxes and commands to enter terms Use OR and AND boxes and commands to enter terms. Quotation marks for phrases. Use the dropdown to choose All Text.
Choose Scholarly if desired Choose Scholarly if desired. Check the Subjects to find more or different search terms. Click on the blue folder to save item to a folder.
Click on Folder on top blue bar to see saved items Click on Folder on top blue bar to see saved items. The Folder has items.
3 articles are in the folder 3 articles are in the folder. Their citations can be printed, emailed, saved or exported to citation software. Click Preferences to format the citations.
Use dropdown to choose citation format (usually APA). Type demail Use dropdown to choose citation format (usually APA). Type demail. Choose how much information to send—only citation or also subjects.
To search a different database or more than one at a time:
Academic, CINAHL [nursing], and MEDLINE [medicine] will be most useful.
Results from different databases are listed Results from different databases are listed. Different databases may use different subjects.
Cochrane contains only review articles of evidence based medicine and best practices:
Some Cochrane reviews are free and open source:
Any questions? Ask a library staff member! Circulation Desk 920.923.7641 Reference Desk 920.923.8096 Sarah Thibodeau – Cataloging / Archives 920.923.8926 Michele Keifenheim – Circulation / Interlibrary Loan 920.923.7641