Welcome! Take a moment to find your child’s seat and write them a quick note of encouragement on the 3x5 card at his or her spot
Born in Ohio. Lived in Arizona since high school. Married: We have 2 children, Davis (3), and Ava (2). Graduated from ASU for Bachelors Degree NAU for Masters 11th year teaching. Experience in grades k-4. Second year at Monte Vista! Love traveling and spending time with family and friends.
Curriculum Presentation Fourth Grade Team 2019-2020 Curriculum Presentation Fourth Grade Team Mrs. Russo, Mrs. Schmalstieg, Ms. Hamilton
Mission Statement Mrs. Russo Class 2019/2020 Our mission is to be brave when help is needed and show kindness and compassion with only another person's happiness as the reward. We will be respectful, responsible, safe, and honest. We will strive to give everyone the opportunity to listen and learn while creating an inclusive environment with the ability to make mistakes and not give up.
School-wide Guidelines The 3 B’s! Be respectful Be responsible Be safe
Honey Drops How do students get them? By being safe, respectful, and responsible (the 3 B’s). Any teacher or staff member can spot students following the three B’s and give honey drops ANY TIME, ANYWHERE!!
Learning Community Our classroom community focuses on the principles of respect and responsibility, and the development of “life skills” and behaviors that promote learning and community in the classroom. Three R’s: Respect, Responsibility, Rights Classroom Jobs CARES Compliments
Homework In 4th grade, students are required to do approximately 40 to 60 minutes of homework each night. Students will receive homework in both Math and Language Arts and it is usually due the next day. Some of the homework is online so please notify us if your student does not have internet access. 4th graders are expected to read at least 30 minutes each night. Students are responsible for recording their homework in their agenda each day. Students are also required to have their parents sign the agenda every day to verify the homework. Students are also responsible for completing their homework on time. We will go over it in class the next day.
Graded Work & Newsletters Graded work and class work will be sent home throughout the quarter. Students should be putting it in the “Black Hole” pocket of their expandable folder. Please take out all your student’s graded work and review it with your child…this is yours to keep. You can access your student’s grades on ParentVue. If you are new to Kyrene, talk to the front office for the activation key. Newsletters will be sent out via email every Friday. Please let us know if you are not receiving it. The newsletter includes: What we will cover in class in all curriculum areas. Anything upcoming that you should be aware of.
Responsibility Chart Each student should understand what is expected and have the choice to follow the expectations or not. Every choice has a consequence. Every day, students will start at a 3. This means they are showing the 3 Bee’s and following the expectations. When students choose not to follow expectations, they will be given one reminder. If I have to remind them again, students will move to a 2. If the reminders continue, students will go to a 1 for the day and will need to get a refocus form to fill out. It will need to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned the next day. Students who receive absolutely no reminders can move up to a 4! They are showing exceptional behavior
Responsibility Chart
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) Reading Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) CKLA presents material rich in history, science and literature designed to both deepen and broaden students’ knowledge and skills. This quarter, we will cover: Unit 1 (Personal Narratives) Unit 2 (Empires in the Middle Ages)
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) UNIT 1 – Personal Narratives Reading Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) UNIT 1 – Personal Narratives Unit 1 examines the genre of personal narratives, which consists of works of non-fiction written by a first-person narrator involved in the events being described. Students read five personal narratives, identifying and using the elements of the genre throughout the unit in writing a variety of their own personal narratives. They learn to read them critically and closely, improving their literal and inferential comprehension.
Reading UNIT 2 – Empires in the Middle Ages Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) UNIT 2 – Empires in the Middle Ages Unit 2 covers the history of both the Middle Ages in Europe and the Islamic Medieval Empires. While the Middle Ages deals primarily with the events of western Europe, and the relationship between the Christian Church and the rulers of the region, the concurrent Islamic Empires in the Middle Ages unit looks at events in another part of the world (particularly in what is now called the Middle East). The two topics of study are tied by a common past and intersecting events such as the Crusades and the movement of knowledge, philosophy, and science from Greek into Arabic into Latin. They are also tied by their impact on the present: it is difficult to understand the modern world without knowing about these two regions and their medieval history.
WRITING PROCESS Writing will be integrated into CKLA. Students will practice writing texts such as: Personal Narrative Opinion Expository We will also use graphic organizers and thinking maps to help students organize and plan their ideas. At the end of 4th grade, students should be able to write a well formed multi-paragraph essay.
LANGUAGE We cover several aspects of grammar and language structure. Some of what we cover includes: Analogies Context Clues Prefixes / Suffixes / Root Words Antonyms / Synonyms / Homonyms Figurative / Literal Language Types of Sentences Subject and Predicate Punctuation Parts of Speech Contractions Fact and Opinion
Spelling & Vocabulary Vocabulary is integrated into CKLA and we may at times provide other vocabulary words based on content areas. Spelling words will be based on Harcourt spelling lists. Students will receive 20 spelling words on Monday to study throughout the week, and we will have a test on Friday. Students can practice the words using Spelling City at www.spellingcity.com or by another method of your choice. Students will also have additional vocabulary lessons related to academic content areas including science and social studies.
MATHEMATICS Number and Operations—Fractions Applying understanding of fraction equivalence and operations Understanding of fraction equivalence, operations, and connections to decimals Operations and Algebraic Thinking Solving problems using multiplicative comparisons Applying multiplication and division strategies to solve problems with larger numbers patterns and relationships Number and Operations in Base Ten Place value understanding for multi-digit numbers operations w/ multi-digit whole numbers Measurement/Data converts measurement units within a system Investigating data analysis Geometry Lines and angles Classifying two-dimensional figures based on their properties The expectation for your child entering 4th grade: Fluency of multiplication and division facts 0 through 10. We will be practicing multiplication fluency using Rocket Math & XtraMath. Please practice with your child at home.
MATHEMATICS Unit 1: Place Value, Rounding, Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction In this module students extend their work with whole numbers. They begin with large numbers using familiar units, recognize the pattern of times ten in the base ten system, and work towards using numbers into the millions on the place value chart. They will also use place value to compare and round numbers up to the millions place . Lastly, students will learn Addition and Subtraction of multi-digit numbers using the Standard Algorithm.
Math Compact Last year, Kyrene School District launched an accelerated mathematics initiative at the elementary level. For students entering 4th and 5th grades, placement is determined by looking at a combination of interim assessment data, proficiency on standards-based report card indicators, AzMERIT, classroom data and teacher recommendation. Grade level compact teachers are providing instruction for grades 4 and 5 and have received professional development to support this initiative.
MATHEMATICS Help There are a number of resources that you can use to help your student with their homework/skills. iReady (login in through Kyrene Educational Resources) Freckle (freckle.com) XtraMath (xtramath.org) Prodigy (prodigygame.com)
Social Studies It’s All About Arizona! People in Arizona have always been affected by and changed the environment. Exploration in Arizona resulted in the founding of European colonies and changes for the local Native Americans. Understanding and explain the events that led to Arizona becoming a state. Understanding how and why the people of Arizona are responsible for their community, government and economy.
Scientific Units of Study SCIENCE Scientific Units of Study Animal Classification and Adaptations Water and Weather Electricity and Magnetism Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
SCIENCE Scientific Process Making Observations Creating Hypothesis Test Hypothesis/ Collect Data Drawing Conclusions Communicate Results
Health Wellness and emotional health Nutrition Hygiene and preventing the spread of germs Safety and first aid Human growth and development
Social Emotional Learning Curriculum through Sanford Harmony The Why: Teaches students the tools to foster social connections, and to learn social, emotional, and cognitive skills they will need to successfully negotiate peer interactions, develop positive peer relationships, and thrive in school!
Technology Our class is scheduled to work on computers once a week for at least 45 minutes. Areas of exploration include: Coding PowerPoint and multi-media presentations Typing skills—Typing Club in Clever Researching on the web Google Docs
Kyrene Educational Resources Kyrene.org > students > educational resources
Grading In 4th Grade, students begin receiving letter grades: 59 and below = F Check grades online using ParentVue
Every Kid in a Park An awesome benefit for 4th Grade! 4th graders are able to get into national parks for free for the year! Please visit the website (www.everykidinapark.gov) for details! The pass will get your 4th grader in for free and up to 3 adults.
Drop Off/Pick Up Drop off and/or parking is not allowed in the West Lot while busses and vans are present If you enter the lot from Ray onto Mountain Sky, please make a left into the designated lane (Blue Arrows. This allows you to park or pull forward If you are coming from the neighborhood, you will make a right (Green Arrows) Traffic merges to one lane at the cones The Drop Off/Pick up Zone begins in the Green Zone- Pull forward
Parents, Students, Teachers ***************** Together we will work as a TEAM to make this school year a positive one for our students! Thanks!
Making a difference Mrs. Russo's Class 2019/2020