The Civil War Causes of the Civil War
Vocab List 1 Ch 1 P 56 -Popular Sovereignty (P 59) -Emancipate (P 56) -Dred Scott (P 61) -Which States Seceded? (P 62) -Harriet Tubman (P 59) -Fugitive Slave act (P 59)
I. Background: We all speak English because we were once ruled by England. George Washington helped defeat England in 1783. This is why he is on every single $1 bill / quarter. The original 13 colonies were in the north east of the USA. We eventually expanded South and West with the Louisiana Purchase Napoleon sold us half of America for $15 million. Northeast became known for manufacturing. South became known for large scale cotton plantations Who picked the cotton? 4,000,000 Slaves. People from North did not like Slavery. They were religious and thought it was evil. South needed slavery to profit from slave labor.
II. Abolitionists Britain abolished slavery in 1833. Amazing former slaves: Frederick Douglass - former slave who wrote memoir Harriet Tubman - Escaped slavery, created underground railroad in Philly, took 20 trips back to Slave south helping friends Uncle Toms Cabin - book by white woman (Harriet Beecher Stowe) which humanized a black man. Read by 1m people.
III. Politics of Slavery In 1820 there were 12 slave states and 12 free states. Everything else was a territory awaiting to become a state. Slave states allow slavery; Free states allow blacks to be free. In Congress they wanted a balance of Free/Slave states to avoid entire nation going either way completely. Missouri Compromise: 1820 Missouri territory wants to become a slave State Can’t have odd number! Compromise: Split Massachusetts into 2 states (Maine & Mass), Missouri enters as slave BUT from now on - everything above Missouri line must be free
IV. Compromise of 1850 Davy Crocket kills Mexican General Santa Anna Mexican-American War, we force Mexico to sell us the SW USA for $15m. Immediately - California wants to be a Free State Compromise: California is Free, BUT from now on 1) Popular Sovereignty - people of State get to vote whether they want to be Free or not 2) Fugitive Slave law - Anyone who sees slave must return it to its owner, regardless of N or S. Many free northern blacks are moving to Canada. Dred Scott Decision 1857 - a supreme court case eventually made all blacks everywhere slaves.
V. Kansas-Nebraska Act Tried to create two new states above Missouri Line However- bc of Compromise of 1850 = popular sovereignty exists. Both anti & pro-slavery advocates move to Kansas Created two governments Bleeding Kansas - 2,000 people die in an effort to make Kansas a free state. John Brown - Killed many in Kansas. Gave Guns to Slaves. Hung for trying to start a slave uprising in the S. Martyr for abolitionist movement. Next class: WARRRRR!
John Brown RAP