Comprehensive K-12 Counseling Plan 2019-2020 Presented by Dr. Heidi McCarthy Director of Pupil Personnel Services September 2019 #WeAreChappaqua
What New Regulation: Effective July 1, 2019 Amendments to subdivision (j) of section 100.2 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education were adopted by the Board of Regents effective July 1, 2017. The amended regulations govern comprehensive developmental school counseling programs beginning with the 2019- 2020 school year.
Why NYSED Guidance Document: “The New York State Education Department amended the school counseling regulations in an effort to help increase opportunities for all students to be successful. It is important for students to have access to a certified or licensed school counselor in the early years to help inspire young students to strive for success and consider college and career opportunities.”
Components of Regulation: Each school district shall have a comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance program, for all students in K-12 Each school district shall ensure that all students in grades K-12 have access to a certified school counselor K-12 school counseling/guidance programs shall prepare students to participate effectively in their current and future educational programs as age appropriate.
Components of Regulation: The program shall be designed to address multiple student competencies including career/college readiness standards, and academic and social/emotional development standards The K-5 program shall be designed by a certified school counselor in coordination with the teaching staff, and any appropriate PPS service providers
Components of Regulation: The program shall be designed for the purpose of preparing students to participate effectively in their current and future educational programs to provide information regarding college and careers, and to assist students who may exhibit challenges to academic success, including but not limited, to attendance or behavioral concerns.
Components of Regulation: For students in grades 6-12, certified school counselors shall provide an annual individual progress review plan, which shall reflect each student’s educational progress and career plans. Core curriculum instruction shall be for the purpose of addressing student competencies related to career/college readiness, academic skills and social/emotional development by a certified school counselor.
The Written Plan Team approach Updated annually Available for review at district offices, each school building and on the district website
Components of the Written Plan Mission Statements : District and Department District Strategic Questions and Priorities Counseling Department Philosophy Statement Counseling Departments Goals NYSED CDOS Student Standards ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success Areas of focus (goals): Academic Support, College and Career Development, Social and Emotional Development and Parent Engagement
K-4 School Counselor Access K-4 School Counselor Access Career Day - one per elementary building Developed and facilitated by HS counseling Staff To be held Winter/Spring 2020 Core school counseling curriculum/school wide programming will be covered in the following manner: Community/Career - Social Studies Curriculum Social/Emotional - RULER - Academic Success - through CORE content by classroom tchrs/ support through RTI/MTSS as needed Safety - Safer/Smarter Kids
K-4 School Counselor Access Middle School counselors will provide access to elementary students in the following manner: Middle School Counselors will each be assigned students by building and grade They will attend meetings regarding students and/or curriculum as needed They will consult with teachers upon request
Advisory Council Representative stakeholders - membership determined by the District Meets no less than twice a year Review data and make suggestions for revisions Create and submit an annual report to the Board of Education