Welcome to Reading Class Ms. Lisa Harris
About Me Teaching Experience Education Family Interests and Hobbies Teaching Style/Philosophy
Course Objectives: Further develop reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and critical thinking skills Ensure college and career readiness
Required Materials Notebook or Binder Loose Leaf Paper Pens, pencils Flash drive (recommended)
We need your support!
Standards-based Curriculum Reading Focus/Selections which will include whole class novel studies: Percy Jackson, The Giver, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Monster Evidence-based Discussions
Reading Accountability Biblionasium (kid friendly version of Goodreads) Reading Logs Reading Counts Quizzes
Grading Summative 60% Grading Breakdown: 90-100%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C Includes tests, projects, reports, essays, major assignments, etc. Formative 40% Includes practice, skill-building exercises, quizzes, non-skill related assignments Grading Breakdown: 90-100%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D Below 59%=F
Participation Counts! Being prepared Participating in discussions Listening attentively Following classroom rules Treating others respectfully
Staying Informed Electronic Grading System Course web site or blog Remind School web site
Getting Involved Teacher Wish List: Amazon gift cards Barnes and Noble gift cards Sharpies Colored paper/cardstock Treats
Contact Me! Teacher Name: Lisa Harris Lisa.Harris@cobbk12.org THANK YOU!!!